Freedom to Fascism in 10 steps

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29 thoughts on “Freedom to Fascism in 10 steps”

  1. oh yeah cus anything under the guise of colombia is obviously working to make the NWO and works with the Illuminati. seriously….come on. now i do agree that the media is under control, but im not so sure about certain news organizations

  2. It will happen… USA will still be a totalitarian ditatorship facist regime.
    No freedom of speech, no freedom at all. There will be a Thought Police, a poor education, big diplays of power in every street, every plaza. They wil be able to do whatever they want to you. If you agree with them you get promoted, if not you get hell. So you better agree…or else.

  3. That is not true. The media is completely controlled. They do not print what is happening plain and simple. The left/right jargon is spun to maintain the illusion of freedom and opposition and no more.

  4. You Democrats are the fascists. You want to get rid of the Second Amendment, Christianity, and the right to protest against tax hikes!

  5. Terrorim! it not god… what happen whith Isrrael?………Charon,Chamir Bengurion and much moore Ha……. Terror state Yisrael ho ocupate ather county What is……………Jajajajajaja and the ZIONISM International

  6. “Sleeeeeeeple”, You are aaaassslleeeepppp… Sorry about the semantics. 😀 Please do research or watch her(Naomi Wolf’s) documentary… it will startle you.

  7. This video was far too anti-bush. If you truly believe that nation is on the road to fascism, then you have to believe that Obama is a huge part of that plan. He is the next PHASE…

  8. I used to work for a financial company Morgan Stanley/Van Kampen. Besides the work of entering data in the operations area there exists another agenda in the company; the control of individualism, control and squashing of creativity and intelligence. The supervisors are all corporate people who cannot think at a Critical level and seek to shut up the intelligent. The ability to think there is a very dangerous notion as is a novel idea of any kind.

  9. Extreme right wing always !

    End immigration, end abortion, end foreigners!

    Hail nationalism, hail security, hail prosperity !

  10. Prophecy Poll
    A close look at the G-20 Summit reveals a radical change in our world to a “global economic structure”. Could this set the stage for a one-world economy that the Antichrist will rule over (Revelation 13:16-17 & Revelation 18) in the last days?
    Yes 97.4%
    No 1.7%
    Not Sure 0.9%

    Total Votes: 117
    Have you already voted?

  11. We don’t have enough support yet. We need a way of getting this across to everyone, and we need it quick. Perhaps using mass-mailings, television commercials, and an internet publicity front we could direct people to one definitive source of proof where they could see for themselves. There is an increasing homeless population that might make a good initial audience as well, as many would already be aware of the machinations that tricked or forced them from their homes.

  12. It’s too late to do something about it. No one is going to “wake up.” This is the Matrix. Only a few select people can and will choose the blue pill.

    Things will end either then the US gets invaded by multiple 3rd world countries after being sick and tired of America flexing its muscles in their own back yeards, or things get so much worse that a second civil war breaks out.

    Hopefully, I will be dead by then. 🙂

  13. Those are pictures that leaked out of US secret prisons.
    You can find enough of them online.

  14. themof0, correct, and it’s not just Morgan Stanley, it is ALL American and British multi-nationals, and government civil servant functions. Ever wonder how the Dilbert cartoons seem to engender the same response from everyone who reads them? “He MUST have worked here, that is EXACTLY what happens in my job”…

  15. Last year it was, I dont know about this year.

    Please go to my channel and watch the latest video instead. A danish scientist and 8 other scientist found explosives in the dust from WTC. I just posted an interview with english text. Please spread this breaking news – thanks 🙂

  16. Excellent video. To the sheeple: When will you get the point? When will there be enough evidence for you to see? When it’s too late? Get educated.

  17. The media is indeed controlled by the same puppeteers controlling our government as well as parliament, and even the vatican. CNN and CBS for example (Colombian News Network, Colombian Broadcast System.) We are under control by this such group of Columbia. No not Columbia in south America. Look at all of our ships bases and stations named for Columbia and oh yes I forgot. Our nation’s capital. Hmmm… ever ponder that one people?

  18. I am not a Democrat and would never vote democrat or republican. I voted for Ron Paul as an exception in my state primaries but I vote Third Party no matter what.

  19. good joke man with the name chertoff in my country chertoff we read čertov and čert is inhabitant hell yes čert is demon

  20. Probably, Obama may be more intelligent, but really, he’s a pile of bull*** just like the rest of the Republicrats.

  21. it’s a wonder everybody hasn’t moved to another country…or even canada lol

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