Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 1 of 8

Tetrahedron 19.47° 1777 ———————————- Saturday, January, 24, 2009 Oracle Broadcasting – The FreeZone Freeman Watch/Download High Quality XviD Video Download mp3 – Uncut Original 64k Quality … Oracle Broadcasting FreeZone Freeman Perspective freemantv Freemasons Freemasonry Lucifer Obama Barack Hussein Akhenaten …

16 thoughts on “Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 1 of 8”

  1. i love hearing that intro song each week n knowin what lays ahead is 2hours of freeman magic…this show was truly awesome.

  2. CL121076: How convenient it is that you have somebody like your pastor to think for you. What a load off your mind that must be. Church is a wonderful place for those who have the need to think other people’s thoughts. How wonderful it is that you have found the one true religion, and apparently without looking into the thousands of other religions, and with very little effort on your part. How amazingly lucky you must be.

  3. Freemans trying hard to disprove the Christian Bible. Poor guys lost. Kind of sounds like he believe he’s the only one with the answers. They are just his opinons. He can’t prove anything unless he has studied every word in the original Hebrew and Greek and broken them down and knows their grammatical gender. My Pastor has done this for 50 years. I’ll trust his interprtation over Freemans. Freeman doesnt even know what to believe in. He’s confused as to who to worship or where life comes from.

  4. Guys, just fyi “Phosphorous” is the GREEK word for Lucifer, not the LATIN word.
    The LATIN word for “Phosphorous” is “Lucifer”.


    a greek guy from Germany

  5. JULY 4, 2009 ~ SCARY Dr. Free, but I followed all of your logic, especially the connections with Akhenaten, having been a Egyptology student for more years than you have been around. AND, tie that in with Project BlueBeam, the Pope, and the one world religion, and you are onto something here.

  6. Sure he does. Visit his website freemantv . com / Video and the youtube user Freemantv. You’ll find over 30 hours of Freeman Perspective and other vids there. The links are in the description on the right site. Don’t miss it! 😉

  7. “Christ taught that we all need to OBEY the LAW”….Spoken like a true, master loving slave! The concept of Jesus is meant to LIBERATE the Hearts and Minds of men and women, NOT to replace one set of oppressive laws with another set of oppressive laws. I know true Freedom is difficult for you to understand since you were born into captivity and have nothing else to base your experience off of. But don’t worry, it will happen for you in good time. ; )

  8. Jesus was not the fake. The 13th FALSE Apostle was, Paul aka. Saul of Tarsus, aka the MASTER BUILDER. Paul was a Freemason who invented the Religion known as Christianity some 70 years after The Holy One of Israel returned to the Father. Christ taught that we all need to OBEY the LAW and have a personal relation ship with the Father through him. Christ’s whole point was that you do not need a corporate structured religion with layers of officials. All churches are based on the Masonic pyramid.

  9. He’s not saying Jesus is a fake. But you need to wake up from your religious socialization. The story of Jesus is precisely the same as dozens of other characters throughout religious mythology previous to Jesus. They were ALL born by virgins, all born on Dec 25, they were all betrayed and killed and arose again in 3 days. It’s all based on astrology. Jesus as an IDEA is ideal. We should understand that his message is the point, not the man. Jesus never wanted followers, just listeners.

  10. Great info for those who want to see things from a different angle that they never knew was there. Thank you for the incite.

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    thanks for sharing good stuff man

  12. WOW! This is insanely eye opening and I’m only on the first 10 minutes of it. Thanks for posting!

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