Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 2 of 8

is Lucifer – Barack Hussein Obama Akhenaten – New prediction 4 July 2009 The Temple Mount in Jerusalem Sirius Tetrahedron 19.47° 1777 ———————————- Saturday, January, 24, 2009 Oracle Broadcasting – The FreeZone Freeman … Oracle Broadcasting FreeZone Freeman Perspective freemantv Freemasons Freemasonry Lucifer Obama Barack Hussein Akhenaten Jerusalem 19.47 1777 …

3 thoughts on “Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 2 of 8”

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  2. All this requires a great deal of study.Once you understand then you throw up your hands and say “screw it”.This is “True” Illumination.Holiness would be a fisher of men who won’t warn their prey of what awaits them in the Bible.After all,why would you want to spoil the surprize of abject perplexity for someone who becomes a member of the “Brotherhood Of The Mystery”?And when they come to you for help in understanding you can smile wisely and say “God works in strange ways”! Priceless!!

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