Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 7 of 8

is Lucifer – Barack Hussein Obama Akhenaten – New prediction 4 July 2009 The Temple Mount in Jerusalem Sirius Tetrahedron 19.47° 1777 ———————————- Saturday, January, 24, 2009 Oracle Broadcasting – The FreeZone Freeman … Oracle Broadcasting FreeZone Freeman Perspective freemantv Freemasons Freemasonry Lucifer Obama Barack Hussein Akhenaten Jerusalem 19.47 1777 …

2 thoughts on “Freezone – 31 January 2009 – pt 7 of 8”

  1. I once saw Barack walk on water.When he reached land curiously nothing changed,got fixed or got better…He told me “This too yee shall do,and more”..I asked Him ‘Whats the point?’.He shrugged His shoulders and walked back out to the yacht with his rich friends and was taken up to Costa Rica

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