Freezone with Steve Willner – part 2 of 10

Saturday, January, 24, 2009 Oracle Broadcasting – The FreeZone Freeman Steve Willner … Oracle Broadcasting FreeZone Freeman Perspective freemantv Steve Willner soundlessdawn Synchromysticism Labyrinth of the Psychonaut

5 thoughts on “Freezone with Steve Willner – part 2 of 10”

  1. using Pepsi in positive rituals is a way of claiming the symbols of the company. Somewhat like the u.s. claiming the eagle as the nations symbol, as they were originally a supremely sacred symbol for the natives of america. Flip it on them and take the power back.

  2. Steve calls Bob “Man”, as if speaking from a source other than man, or his divine higher self. Bob refers to his guest as “it”, creating a complimentary transactions to Steve presence. After all , the divine self is both or neither sex, or as we would say, “it”.

  3. Uhhh wasn’t the last plane that crashed flight 93? Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

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