FULL SHOW – 12/3/2018 – Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Justen Full & Peter Chowka

Hour 1 & 2: Tom Horn, Steve Quayle & Justen Fuall – Belly of the Beast
The significant events that we are witnessing across the world are virtually unprecedented in the context of recent modern history. Paris is burning, but not necessarily for the reasons you are being told or might think. A surge of violence is taking place in American cities, exploited by a deepening ideological divide. Conservative Christians remain the targets of an ever-increasing censorship by big tech giants to control information that is necessary for the truth behind such events to be made known to those willing to receive it. On and on it goes…

There is a greater truth behind such foreboding events. A truth that the “global elite” do not want you to know and will stop at nothing to prevent it from getting out. The battle in which we find ourselves is, at its core, spiritual in nature. All events playing out across the world and in America are indeed connected by forces of good and opposing forces of evil.

Where will “ground zero” for the final act of this play on the world stage be – the venue where it might all play out? Where could be the “Belly of the Beast?”
Hour 3: Peter Barry Chowka – Scandalous… and more.

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