FULL SHOW – Saddle for Battle; Censorship Salvos Are Flying

WATCH LIVE – Monday-Friday 7-10:00 PM ET HERE: https://www.hagmannreport.com/watch/

7:00pm ET. Douglas J Hagmann and Joe Hagmann analyze and comment on today’s news.

7:30pm ET. Dr Jerome Corsi joins us to discuss the censorship massacre of the Independent Media

8:00pm ET. Samuel Johnston, Host of The Sharpening Report

8:30pm ET. FBI Agent (ret.) Larry Wansley

9:00pm ET. Steve Quayle, The Battle For Truth is On

Dr Jerome Corsi: https://www.infowars.com

Samuel Johnston: https://www.sharpeningreport.com

Steve Quayle: http://www.stevequayle.com

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