22 thoughts on “George Carlin – Advertising Lullaby”

  1. Funny I’ve always thought that someone like George Carlin could grow up and be popular in America was a reason to want to be American. Not every culture is able to analyze itself, or at least not so pithily.

  2. we all miss him. since I was a kid he was the conductor on Thomas the Tank engine (which I grew up on) then once i was old enough to think, he has been my favorite. :/

  3. I love George Carlin, as a true Hip Hop musician, I believe I am probably one of the few, who appreciated what the man had to say, love ya, the KING OF 7 DIRTY WORDS YOU CANT SAY ON TELEVISION, YOU WILL BE MISSED…

  4. It’s pretty much true – people with money and status quo get the air time to sell you bullshit you don’t need, and harms you.

  5. xDD After seeing numerous of his acts I’ve actually become glad I’m not american. xD I never really specifically wanted to be one anyways but, yeah. 😀 I do like American, many things there, but he’s opening my eyes to it’s general…….

  6. I think you may be right there, friend. If anybody deserves a chapter in the history books, it’s George Carlin.

    I just know that he’s looking up at us. Lifelessly. From underground. In his coffin. Rest in Peace my sensei, you’re sorely missed.

  7. i think in a couple hundred years, george will be looked back on as a gifted philosopher.

  8. i love hip-hop/rap, and george is in my top 5 comedians… he is ******** halarious

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