29 thoughts on “George Carlin – Bicycles”

  1. he’s absolutely right. Bicycle is a goofy thing, keep that ***** in ur backyard.

  2. The jogger *********……The Bicycle riding creeps…..he really hit the nail on the head there!

  3. i really think he just jokes and doesn’t mean it – i prefer my x3m roller blades to move around + public transport, but i also had a lot of what you described. i kinda don’t like cars.

  4. Sure there are shoulders, that’s where all the cars park. All the bicyclers ride in the little space between the parked and moving cars. iceninja’s right, they have way too much faith in drivers.

    Either way it’s irritating for us. For example if there’s a commercial vehicle or one of those garbage bins parked on the other side, causing a bottleneck forcing the lanes to use up all the extra space. These happy-go-lucky ********* are just breezing along like Gene Kelly.

  5. Special little hats for there special little heads! LMMFAO! That line always cracks me up!

  6. People always fear what they don’t understand. Cycling is like church…many attend but few understand.

  7. I’m a cyclist but Not one of those ******** types that holds up traffic. They are out there I’ve seen them and can understand why some moterists would get upset sometimes. I refuse to ride with certain groups because of this! Moterists can be just as bad though.. I do get pissed off when a car honks at me on a large 4 lane road with minimal traffic. The car has a hole other lane and 90% of the right lane and is too lazy to just simply move their hand to the left slightly to go around seriously!

  8. remember this douche bag;

    you’re sitting in a big ******** stupid hunk of ***** that you have been brain washed into believing somehow reflects “who” you are or what you’re personal point of view is. you a not a bad **** racer or a big monster truck driving “no fat chicks” meat eater. you’re a sorry assed fungus. now go watch nascar you ******** cave man.
    i’m going to ride my cheap bike to your sisters house.

  9. You idiots can’t understand that Carlin was joking? What’s with the whole, “us bikers aren’t like that, only a few ********* make us look like that,” response? god damn…

  10. lol canada nd america are different places
    in canada people have common decensy in america they dont give a ***** theyyl hit ya
    but when they dont its becuz they dont want to get sued LOL

  11. In America most people drive cars. You’re driving down the street at 40 mph and they’re riding their bikes right next to your car! It’s like they have no sense of safety

  12. hell ya i see this running ********* every single morning and they run in the middle of the ******** street

  13. I bike at 4:30 AM in the middle of the road. I see a car every 20 minutes or so, and I live in the city.

  14. It was really funny once… I was biking in a state park by my house and this one biker **** came riding up behind me. He was all snooty saying “let the more EXPERIENCED bikers first”, like a real *****. So then, I let him go around, and he lost his balance and the ******** fell right on his head! It was the quintissential karma moment!

  15. Well, in Canada most people drive cars too. I’ve ridden my bike on all sorts of roads, I’ve never felt like I might get hit by a car. If a car comes, I just move off to the shoulder until they pass. And the car usually shifts a couple feet over and I have plenty of space. As long as I notice the car and the car driver notices me, I can’t see myself getting hit.

    I mean, American roads do have shoulders, right? 😉

    On all the roads I’ve ridden my bike on, there was plenty of shoulder space.

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