21 thoughts on “George Carlin – Children”

  1. Some one is high and mighty on his precious little cloud. anyone who is white, can be white trash.

    just because you dont live in a trailer park and have a “great education” doesnt mean you cant be a little prick who thinks he’s better then he actually is.

  2. I do not absolutely agree with everything this guy says but alot of it is true. He tells it like it is.

  3. I actually believe his ideas are quite comical, and I was born into a rather wealthy family who lives in the suburbs and gets a great education. That, by means of definition, excludes me from being whitetrash.
    Now just the fact that you assume that Carlin’s audience is ‘whitetrash’ because of the fowl language he uses, that, Sir, makes you quite the ignorant person yourself, or what you like to say, “douchebag.”

  4. 70 yr old hypocritical old man with a bad case of hemroids and is only funny to non conformatist white kids who contribute nothing whatsoever to society.

  5. Its always fun to just sit in the yard with a stick and dig a ******* hole

  6. R.I.P. ?
    He donĀ“t exist… the “only” thing left are his ideas and they are what really matters!!

  7. na what he says is tru. Carlin contributed nothing to society and did nothing but ****** about how stupid and pointless everyone and everything is. His comedy while funny to slackers who live off welfare and ssi there whole lives made me want to kill myself with his smug monotone way of thinking.

  8. Yeah, he couldve “made a difference by going into politics”. LOL. You lost all your credibility with that gem, douchebag.

  9. Well you should know that Carlin himself has stated that he’s divorced himself from all the ***** in the world. No need to make any difference. Why? Because mankind can hopelessly never be saved, “circling the drain” as he calls it, and there’s no point in trying to make any change. All he can do is talk about it, and his words for posterity are all that’s needed.

  10. people who you say contribute to society, are actually the ones, causing all the chaos and the demise of humanity, so go ***** yourself dumbass. btw I’m neither white nor non conformatist…I think logically, that’s all.

  11. …and then they wonder why their kids hate them when they become teenagers.

  12. In one stand up, he said, “They even have play-dates, for crying out loud. Playing is now done by appointment. Whatever happened to, “You show me your wee-wee, and I’ll show ya MINE”! XD

  13. Dammit, i miss this guy. Absolutely nailed it. What he’s talking about reminds me so much of my friends who now have kids. Once smart people turned into paranoid simpletons who think the world exists solely to accomodate their offspring. I’ve become convinced that when parents pushed the kid out, that’s not afterbirth, that’s the parents ******* brain.

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