George Carlin – Conspiracy Theorists

George Carlin – Conspiracy Theorists. I guess he knew about the crashing dollar. To hear a All Carlin radio show online you can click on this link if you have winamp Some More Carlin Interviews you can download as a mp3

33 thoughts on “George Carlin – Conspiracy Theorists”

  1. Nevermind that the bulk of the population of every industrialized nation outside of the USA thinks you’re wrong.

  2. Control of monetary policy is not irrelevant. If you don’t have money you don’t eat. You should read a little more.

  3. A little cynical I think. People have liberty, just not nearly as much as they think, and it’s not nearly as indestructible. He hit the conspiracy theorist nail right on the head. People can’t seem to humble themselves enough to accept the fact that they can miss something right under their nose.

  4. Yea, I honestly believe if the future generations have any brains, Carlin will be viewed as much more than a comedian. He is an important historical figure.

  5. I smell bullshit attached to it. do you really want to know because im afraid to ask. lol.

  6. The picture was meant to suggest that the queen is actually a “reptillian”. Do a search on that word and see what all comes back.

  7. DUDE! I’m sorry I meant to give you a thumbs up and clicked the opposite by mistake.
    I agree it’s all staged.
    Did you know not only are Bush and Kerry fellow bonesmen, but cousins as well?

  8. FYI, I KNOW what ‘reptilian’ means and I know about the “Queen is an alien” conspiracy. Just saying that pic was priceless.

  9. Very true Slugg329,

    Conspiracy theorists come up ideas that seem irrelevant to the power elites. Just look at the reptilian conspiracy. I don’t really buy into that. But I do believe that many of these people are evil. I do believe in secrecy. I do believe in potential false flag operations.

    I just find things like Project Bluebeam, aliens, reptilians, and stargate stuff to be totally irrelevant to politics.

  10. dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name will appear

  11. Buckwheat here is pretty high on American narcissism. Here’s a clue for you child; nobody gives a ***** about America. I’ve lived there, it’s just like anywhere else, but less so.

    If people are patronizing the U.S. it’s just because there’s a lot to patronize, there’s a whole lot of folly going on in that place, and that’s what you get for living there, just suck it up Buckwheat cause there’s ***** all you can do about it but grin and bear it with good humour.

  12. People have just enough liberty to go find a job to support their living, and choose whether they want to buy this or that but when it comes to living life as one sees fit we are all blinded by the consumer culture. American culture is nothing more than people smart enough to know their wants and needs but dumb enough to buy into others bullshit to make them RICHER and RICHER …

  13. You know, I feel the same way. I listen and his arguments make sense but I still ask myself why. Why should I listen to him? Because he’s right.

  14. its true…the public voted for kerry but electoral said nope lets go with bush. Bang goes that theory of having a ‘real’ choice. We have a choice when it benefits the gov’t and what they’re aiming for.

  15. Yes indeed, sir.

    I’ve been doing stand up for a year, and now listening to his words, and watching his videos throughout the year feel like something that’ll help me become a better comic. It’s eternal wisdom we got captured in his work.

    Truly the best. 🙂

  16. I can’t explain why… but I trust the ideas of George Carlin more than any other intellectual that I’ve familiarized myself with. There are others that I listen to and agree with on many topics, but since I’ve been listening to Carlin (since I was about 10 years old), something about the things he says has always touched a part of my brain that whispers “…you know he’s right.” If two people argue a topic long enough, I always believed the truth will eventually show itself to both people.

  17. Nice. Thanks for posting faulisdead. I’ve never heard this before. I’m not a fan Of Carlin but he’s right. Of course he’s also fortunate enough to be absent for the global fiasco just ahead. 8^|

  18. Sorry George but Satan protects his children…, you can sleep easy Bush.

  19. What a moron. A money-loving pseudo-intellectual hipocrit with a carefully planned act/marketing.

    Another creation of the Jews. You knew the answer money-loving *******…its called “Put the Jew in the labor camp”, but the Jew created him and gave him his money so why should he go against him?

    He and all this satirical-political “funny” guys make me sick with their hipocrisy.

  20. Stand-up comedians, when we do our job properly, are much more than just comics. We’re subversives and agitators, not unlike Socrates or Aristophanes. And Carlin was the best of us. 🙂

  21. Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon, thou wayward whoreson death-token!

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