10 thoughts on “George Carlin Doesn’t vote”

  1. I’m sure the audience loved listening to Carlins act.They probably all thought he was funny and agree with himt, at least for that night. But how many voted this past election?At least half probably.More likely 75%.

  2. while I don’t agree..with the do nothing attitude..I do see his point of view of letting idiots get what they deserve. However, the way numnuts vote does affect all of us..this is why it pisses me off that politicians want to determine what we can read or do with our doctors. It starts locally. Get your “Good Friends” together and support an honest person into office.Next in line up to Governor and then Rep or Senator. That’s what happened in the last few years to incumbent republican seats.

  3. He may have been a comedian but he was a voice of absolute truth!!!
    RIP George

  4. What if you think its wrong to try and own other people? What if Government is wrong to begin with? If you vote you are saying that you would like to see control over other peoples lives, honest candidate or not, its the nature of GOV.

    Not voting is in many ways a vote.

  5. George, thank you for bringing laughter into this world (and truth!). RIP sir.

  6. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, how much money you raise, whether you’re right or wrong, NO MATTER WHAT, you’re fucked. We’re all fucked. Why? THERE’S NO ******** CURE FOR HUMAN NATURE. You know what that nature is? TO ***** THINGS UP. That’s all humanity is good for, that’s all it’s ever done. Achievements? HAH! ***** cities; ***** agriculture; ***** computers, airplanes, vaccines; ***** it all: none of it’s worth a flying *****!

    And THAT, my friends, woulda made ol’ Georgie proud.

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