George Carlin “Farting in Public” Back in Town [1996]

Back in Town is George Carlin’s ninth HBO special. It was also released on CD on September 17, 1996. This was also his first of many performances at the Beacon Theater in New York City. George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, actor and author who won four Grammy Awards for his comedy albums. Carlin was noted for his political insights, black humor, language observations, psychology, religion and various taboo subjects. Carlin and his …

23 thoughts on “George Carlin “Farting in Public” Back in Town [1996]”

  1. and you are an ugly ******* troll
    It’s people like you that made George and many others give up hope on humanity

  2. It sadens me that i never got to see him live….if anyone sees my comment and has, can you tell me about the experience? Must have been so amazing

  3. omg, I cracked up hard at that one! I’m shocked people didnt laugh harder on that one! LOL!

  4. only this mother ******* could take something, anything and make it ******** hilarious. well, demetri martin does that too, but in a different way.

  5. “I have no ending for this, so i take a small bow.”
    How many people would actually be truthful like that?

  6. subterfuge……..LMFAO!……wicker swingset……..Oh my God, priceless! I saw this one several years ago and was just now able to find it again. Priceless….

  7. wtf is wrong with you stop spamming this on every vid douchbag!

    This is one of the best vids:P

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