George Carlin – Greatest Cheer Ever

This is…the greatest sports cheer ever. I encourage you to do this when you go to sports games, and it is a tribute to the greatest comedian of all time. Taken from George Carlin, Carlin on Campus – 1984

22 thoughts on “George Carlin – Greatest Cheer Ever”

  1. bat ***** rat ***** dirty old twat
    69 ********* tie it in a knot
    hooray! lizard *****! *****!

  2. rat *****
    bat *****
    dirty old twat
    69 **** wholes tied in a knot

    whoooraaaay lizard *****


    šŸ™‚ i can now sleep.

  3. rat ***** bat *****
    dirty old twat
    69 ********* tied in a knot
    hurray lizzard *****

  4. Eat bite ***** suck
    nibble gobble chew
    finger-*****, hair pie
    ***** ***** screw
    hurray bat ***** BLOW ME

  5. there is actually a dumb sport called Chess boxing

    you fight one round of boxing, then go a round of chess over and over again

    you win by either checkmate or KO

    saw this on Wrecreation Nation on Discovery channel

  6. If it was any other comedian it would sound lame. But George Carlin is just epic! R.I.P.

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