18 thoughts on “George Carlin: Its Bad For Ya (3/7)”

  1. “..every child is special, and i kept saying Fuuuck you.. every child is clearly not special….”….i love his facial expression on that part…

  2. i got a verbal reprimand at work today because i didn’t tell four 6-year olds to stop dribbling 4 basketballs together in the toy department of the store i work…they were having fun, leave the kids alone…”but they might hurt themselves”…you might as well outlaw kids if you don’t want kids to hurt themselves playing…

  3. I remember going to seeing this first thing he said
    ‘this is my show before HBO ****** it up”

  4. So true that no one ever loses anymore. Take a gander at “Deal or No Deal”. You may not win what you want, but you always come out with something.

  5. “When every word you write is HORRIBLY misspelled.” It is not not horrible. That’s improper grammar, and yet you lecture others?

  6. ….maintain a bodytemperature roughly in the 90s……muhhahahahahahahahahaha

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