27 thoughts on “George Carlin It’s Bad For Ya Clip on Religon & RIghts -RIP”

  1. As much as I disagreeded with this guy on anything I have to admit he is one funny son of ******.

  2. i have watched this stand up sooooo many times and still love it….I was so sad when i heard about his death…….i love you george carlin!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. How many states was he “banished” from? xD this guy’s a hero, because he SPEAKS UP!! 😀
    RIP George!!

  4. It’s fantastic stand-up. It’s funny as *****. Carlin showed what a stupid idea religion is in his later years…

  5. You know, it’s amazing how much I continue to learn from this man even after his death. I’m big into protecting my “American Rights”….

    Now I’m not so sure.

    We made it all up. It’s all a form of control. They were a good idea, but they can be amended and stripped away. Even “God-Given” rights are false. Like the man said, God would be looking out for us a little bit more.

    I think I’m beginning to see that our rights don’t free us, they control us.

  6. i agree with him, but this isn’t stand up comedy anymore. It’s preaching. Carlin became a preacher in his latter years.

  7. love this man… lol hes my god 😛 he prays to joe peshy or however you spell his name.. i pray to him 😛 r.i.p george

  8. Listen, why don’t you keep your cult, and your lazy thinking to yourself. If you cant figure things out for yourself than how are you going to try to ‘help’ other people with your polluted ideas. + to top it all off, your christian ‘rock’ video all just remind me of that they say in South Park; they pretty much take a love song and replace baby of honey (***** like that) with th word jesus! Maybe I’ll go to your video and post this one there. Thanks for th idea!

  9. im sure george is making god laugh his **** off in heaven cuz this guy was funny as hell on earth R.I.P

  10. god im sick of ******** religious retards… i wish theyd all ***** off to another planet

  11. wow, in addition to being funny, this bit is actually quite philosophical, talking about topics relating to Foucault, Hegel, and Nietsche

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