18 thoughts on “George Carlin – It’s Bad for Ya! (parte 2/7 SUB ITA)”

  1. Crazy Old ******** he was and will be the best 😀
    I Think he is up there and commenting our “Text Comments” :)))

  2. It’s such a shame that a genius like him had to die. But I bet that old ***** is down there now…screaming up at us…and I think he’s in severe pain.

    We miss you Georgie. R.I.P.

  3. i agree with George but still feel he just became a tad too crusty in his old age. the stuff makes sense but it’s just not that much enjoyable as his “younger” days stuff… call me hitler now :))

  4. Hey, let’s not get too sentimental about losing the guy…. Just scratch his name of the list!!! Its what he would want….

  5. You know what this old ***** is lookin at god now saying ” How the ***** can you sand this bull *****?”

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