13 thoughts on “George Carlin Loves His Dogs”

  1. Name one atheist that caused any chaos, and about them being illiterate that’s just a dumb thing to say considering some of the smartest people in history were atheist, to name a few: Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Bejamin Franklin.

  2. If you’re not going to like funny people because they’re liberal, then you’re left with pretty much no one.

  3. You should take a Midol & have a cup of herbal tea.
    If you’re wearing a tampon remove it, as tampons cause toxic-shock syndrome. I will help you.

  4. 1. put your hand over your mouth
    2. make a wish
    3. put your hand in the shape of a fist
    4. put your hand in the shape of your hand over your heart and hold it there for 5seconds
    5. send this to 3 more videos
    6. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life

  5. logical thinking is why im an atheist and i don’t need a god and a fiction book of morals to control my life and waste a perfectly good sunday. If you were not brain washed by the churchs lies you would understand but you have a one tracked mind like “all” God whoring people.

  6. They used to say a black man would be president when pigs fly surely enough 100 days into obamas presidency “Swine Flu”

    copy and paste to 5 videos to avoid swine flu

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