33 thoughts on “George Carlin on Death – RIP”

  1. Way back in 1894, a little girl named Madeline Crothe was skipping through the woods when a mysterious man in black snatched her. He brought her to his house, tourtered her, and starved her to death. Send this to 6 videos in the next 30 min. and you will be safe, but if you don’t… at approximately 1: 34 tonight you will wake up to see an aneorexic child holding a bloodied up knife and she will kill you” less sorry this scares

  2. I think he’s down there now, smiling up at us. Rofl. Loved George Carlin.

  3. i’m pretty sure carlin didn’t do his stuff ONLY for laughs i’m pretty sure his beliefs are entangled within the comedy, no need to call anyone idiots because of there beliefs… lol irony

  4. i beleive in the bible and have read it many times. there is nothing untrue about anything in this video. people beleive angels have wings the devil has a pitch fork and we hang out for eternity in heaven in the clouds. none of this stuff is in the bible its all just ***** people assume.

  5. He Got Angry becuz da World is FUcked Upp…
    AMerican is Crumbling SPecially Da Schoool System….I know im In Highschool

  6. No, I think theists definitely need to be called idiots. Unless we shouldn’t think thirty year olds who believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus aren’t slightly illogical.

  7. May he rest in pieces….coincidentally, the GC bulletin board at Carlin’s official site stayed active for about six weeks after he died. Now, there’s a Forum Link which goes nowhere. Ah…nothing lasts forever, not even the earth and sky.

  8. You want to know what i find funny……. is the fact that you put some sort of politics on a comedy routine. just what Carlin would eaten up. you FU$KING CUN&

  9. ALL religion from christianity to satanism,its all man-made rules and orders that hold no truth.

  10. Actually the devil’s pitchfork was used as propaganda to demonize pagans as devil worshipers.

  11. George Carlin, the god of comedy….

    P.S. Dane Cook does indeed suck ****.

  12. ROFL
    “you know, you may be responsible for phil’s death. how do you live with yourself?”

    classic George.

  13. grandma’s baking a pie…with no oven… lmao funniest guy that ever lived for sure.

  14. Poor george. I saw him in show before he died. i wonder if theres anything i can do for his family? He will always be in my thoughts…poor poor george. Im sure hes down there smileing up at us right now =D.

  15. Carlin is SO right, that it HURTS!

    It seems to be hard for many people when they get “behind” the curtain.

    I miss Carlin…..I miss people like him…

  16. does anyone here have any dead people in their address book? Are you keeping them in there or are you deleting them like what George Carlin did? Why did George Carlin get so mean and bitter as he got older? If you look at his older videos from the 70s he was a nice person. Why did he get so angry and hateful as he got older?

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