23 thoughts on “GEORGE CARLIN on Homelessness and Golf”

  1. he is just a crazy realist, but damn i love to watch him, he makes great points from great ideas. his views are always true and have very good substance to them.

  2. Train or practice? Train, definitely not, anyone can play the game. If you want to be good you practice a lot, like any other sport. I would think that you need to train more for real sports like rugby and hockey, where your body has to be physically prepared for physical and mental pain, as well as being in very good shape.

  3. If I read a “genius statement” and it was fraught with spelling mistakes I would be hesitant to view the “genius” as a solid source of information. “Genius” itself is a very subjective term. How does one measure “genius”? Your statement is a complete waste of words because it’s OBVIOUS you aren’t even making a legitimate point. At all. It’s based on an incorrect assumption that I didn’t even suggest…. You missed. Completely. You sound like a child, or at least, you reason like one.

  4. spelling and grammar makes a point more convincing and reputable?

    i guess…

    so if some genius writes the smartest thing ever said but spelled it wrong, then it does not count? or if a dumbass writes a shallow and ignorant sentence but spelled it correctly and the sentence structure was also correct then it would outshine the genius sentence?

  5. Good luck trying to get a dead guy who didn’t vote to run for president.

  6. I grew up on a golf course. The people there made me feel uncomfortable and my dad forced me to take golf “lessons”. Needless to say, by junior high, I had taken a different route, hanging out with the musicians and stoners and artists. It was around that time that I discovered the genius of George Carlin. Everything he said was true, despite being satire.

  7. >Alligator Golf!
    Climb into the ******** golf lake & ***** those white little wasted balls at the bottom!
    >”***** Mankind & their Spelling;”
    & their little errors & mistakes!*

    >”I SAY, ***** them good with Ketchup & Mustard; in fact, ***** them again with breath mints,
    SELF righteous, importance & Ignorance!”

    Self- Interests, Money , it’s all about money & greed getting more than somebody else, being important!

  8. Golf is the only “sport” I would get rid of.

    It’s so ******** boring, it is the perfect sleeping pill, half an hour of that ***** any insomniac in the world will pass the ***** out.

    Plus every golfer you meet is a prick. They think their better because they hit a ******** ball about a field with their friends and are part of a “club”. When I see them I want to beat them to death.

  9. carlin understood the big picture i’m glad he chose comedy. people take everything to serious george didn’t he was cool. i say he’s the funniest comedian ever!.

  10. Resurrection.

    But I imagine the point is to rid the world of government. People will do what they want; laws just help the hurtful people.


    come to think of it Golf is the only sport u dont need to train for. Snooker doesnt count seeing as drunk pub lovers could play it.

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