George Carlin on MAD TV – Touched by an Atheist

George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 — June 22, 2008) is dead. No euphemisms. Nothing to soften the blow. He’s fucking dead. And awesome, don’t forget awesome.

22 thoughts on “George Carlin on MAD TV – Touched by an Atheist”

  1. Oh come on. The thought that science and religion are completely and utterly separate is the most close-minded belief I have ever heard in my life.

    And who says that the Ten Commandments isn’t something that one can’t live by? It’s a good start. Or the Beatitudes. Or a lot of stuff in the Bible.

  2. A everytime someone makes fun out of Religion the simple minded show up. 🙂

  3. oh, you pray to joe too? must be catching on. By the way did anyone hear the ******** in the audience booing at carlin. What a hypocrit.

  4. LOL You are infatuated with homosexuality man. I think you are a inside ******* using Christianity as a mask to hide your true feelings and you are so mad that you cannot find ***** that you ventilate all of your anger on here.

    What a pathetic fruitcake. lol.

  5. I beieave in a spark. A tiny little light in the human soul. A thing that tells you when your doing something wrong. Call it a consiance, call it god, call it jimmity cricket for all i care but its there. If you choose to acknowledge that, well, atheist or not your one decent guy, and i respect that.

  6. That touched me dude… I just loved this free thinker, this free man … and so intelligent. Vatican hated him. Hail George !

  7. THANK YOU!!!!! People who claim to be “athiests” usually turn out to be God haters and like you said just diss other people’s sacred believes. I’ve only known one true athiest and he was the nicest and considerate guys I’ve ever known. For instance I don’t believe in unicorns. That does not mean I am going to make fun of ppl who do believe in unicorns. Im just gunna nod my head and move on.

  8. I don’t understand how you don’t believe in science. It’s obviously there, even if you don’t like it. And science found the evolution evidence.

    I’m an atheist, too.

  9. There is now way how to hate anyone who does not exists. To claim that atheist (you even write this word incorrect) hates god is the same like jew hates santa. PLEASE, think more before saying anything.

  10. Yeah? Well I’m twenty feet tall and I weigh 500 pounds and I bench press the Empire State Building…Lol !!!
    See how easy it is to be an internet warrior?
    Bye, dummy.

  11. how could you not beleive in a creater when this was obviously created.Nothing pops out of nowhere.everything is created. We create buildings dont we?

  12. i don’t believe in god or science i just believe in evedence, and there’s reliable evidance for the theory of evolution but all we’ve got to prove god created the world is a book wich has been changed and re-written countless times over history. so you can’t have a go at people for believing the evedence

  13. I think you need to go take a high school science class! This is pretty basic stuff. You need to put down the Bible and pick up a science book if you think you can comprehend it. It is a solid fact that all humans are made up of animal cells. How do you think forensic scientists are able to test blood, hair, skin & suliva for DNA which also works for animal testing. Its sad that you use verses in the Bible over scientific fact.

  14. What Stalin did, the people he killed.. the deaths can’t be blamed on atheism, beucase even though atheism was a part of his dogma, it’s not what motivated the murders. Atheists were killed as well.
    As Dawkins said, Hitler and Stalin both had moustaches, but that’s not what made them evil. Stalin did what he did not because of, but despite of atheism.

  15. Everyone on here needs to stop acting like little 10 yr olds, i have no idea what i am, im not agnostic and don’t have any category, i just believe people need to be nicer to each other. Telling someone not to believe and shoving it into their face makes u just as guilty as the religious are. Science doesn’t guard for everything no matter how much dweebs try to do, so i suggest people stop thinking like this. If people didn’t argue we would focus and make our lives better–w/good perspective&sci

  16. taekwon3000

    Yes death is the greatest obscenity in this world, especially when it takes a friend or a loved one. But non of us has the power to stop it if the higher power calls.

    death is mean

  17. george my mom started stealing your tapes off me when i was 10 22 years later i still listen as much as i can thanks for everything

    r.i.h (rule in hell)

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