George Carlin Over parenting

George Carlin 70 years old but still as quick witted as ever. I found this particular talk about over parenting very true and something that all parents should watch and give thought to – as a parent myself I have seen this at the soccer field and in the attitudes of the teachers at my children’s schools. It’s sickening, what’s worse is that they’re are not creating good children who will grow to be psychologically healthy adults they create pint-sized emperors with egos the size of …

17 thoughts on “George Carlin Over parenting”

  1. Kidergarten entrance exams….

    Its ironic that in our society we have more tests and exams but everyone is increasingly less intelligent.

  2. My parents make things worse than something really is.Have any advice on what to say to them?

  3. this is youtube you prick not yahoo answers. every parent does that. when they do that just so ok and walk away

  4. they banned running in my primary school when I was a kid. (cos sum moron ran into a wall)

  5. Kindergarten entrance exams? Holy *****!
    Sometimes I’m really REALLY glad I don’t live in the States anymore.

  6. Oprah and Dr. Phil say it’s true so it definitely is.

    Now obviously that was sarcasm :p

  7. Yea! When I was a kid, I rode my bike all over the neighborhood, & sometimes went to the local market to play hide-and-go-seek tag. It was the *****! When I tell this2 young parents who adore the play date scenario, they all say one thing: sex offenders. Did the sex-offender ratio multiply to the extent of public danger in the last decade? I highly doubt that. If a weird adult started looking at me funny, I would just give him the finger as I ramped off his curb & go on my merry way.

  8. A genius indeed, so much valuable insights to be taken from his work!! Truely a great guy, no more hick, no more Carlin, who do we have left???

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