28 thoughts on “George Carlin – People Are Fucking Boring”

  1. TUESDAYS ARE RIGHT OUT! Carlin was a beautiful homosexual man. He was the best homosexual in the world! His name was George. His hobbies included homosexuality, quiet walks on the beach and homosexual practices. Once he quit smoking, but not homosex! He loved to engage in homosexual practices every day except Tuesday for some reason. I don’t know why. Maybe it was because he was a homosexual.

  2. “I have a very low tolerance level for stupid blow-*****”

    And tiburon69

  3. Now that George Carlin has croaked his last croak we may all live securely in peace. In peace with the knowledge that his mortal remains have been obliterated by propane-fed flames.

  4. Whats wrong w/ Kentucky? They got Dirt late model racing, bluegrass music AND weed! too bad I live in Texas

  5. You are possibly the dumbest person I have ever ran across.
    Of course be can see the stars and planets you dip *****. Yes. We know the earth isn’t flat, for several reasons, though my favorite is PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TO OUTER ******** SPACE. SATELLITES. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.
    Everything you named is clearly there, or has very strong physical evidence telling us it’s there.
    ***** you are stupid. Please do not have kids. Theres no nice way I can go about it, but do not curse humanity with your offspring.

  6. Life’s not fair. George Carlin and Richard Pryor, dead. Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia, still alive.


    But you can’t do that………..

  8. thanx for the funny stuff george we will never see you again on are life and never again in the infinity of the universe is only one time ***** and i was in it ,,hahhahahahha like me we will never put a foot in the bautyful landim lucky to see geroge carlin and lopez and the end of a sun are quinto sol we ar nothing on earth and we should have fun before we die and enver set a ******** foot in earth ever and ever again like him i just hope my body fumes will mix all over the universe

  9. tiburon69, I really wish I could understand what you’re saying. I think it’s something cool about Carlin and his atheism, but I cannot really tell. We need some punctuation in your posts to make sense of them. A period or comma every now and then. And don’t be shy with the spellcheck.

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