27 thoughts on “George Carlin – Persian Gulf War”

  1. Mother ******* arabs . have you never been at school ???? this aria called Persian gulf . ***** all arabs countries.
    ***** Mohamad . piss on qouran
    piss on arabians Allah
    ***** arabs religion Islam.
    Iran for everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Persian Gulf for everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. i think he had a good point here about ***** size or lack of it and war and for sure we love war, we are still at it even today..will war ever end, yes but then another will be right around the corner

  3. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit, that’s OUR ******** job!

  4. They are definitely not getting his sarcasm… But the patriotic ones are cheering the most thinking this is really pro war!!! LOL,

  5. this is the funniest bit ive seen in a long long time. god i miss mr carlin . R.I.P

  6. Actually, there is nothing racist about his routine. He was actually pointing at the US government going to war. He did not say he wanted to kill brown people with bigger d*cks.

    Please. This is humor. It is subjective. If you don’t like it, that is fine. State your opinion. But don’t play the racism card when it does not exist.

  7. This guy is extremely racist. Assuming that people in those countries are brown and they have big penises is racist

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