George Carlin Philosophy (Part 2): Religion and Consumerism

More words of wisdom from Carlin Theatre. WARNING: I apologize for any audio or video burps, but sometimes the audio overlaps and I have to cut it where it ends. Doing so allows for brief flashes of video or audio due to morons interupting George, or camera changes in mid speech. Thanks.

33 thoughts on “George Carlin Philosophy (Part 2): Religion and Consumerism”

  1. Carlin embraced his inner pessimist so much so, I’d say for the sake of comedic material and sense of righteousness, that he’s lost his way on this topic of possible human redemption. As long as there’s 1 person in the world who sees things for what they are, we got a shot.

  2. I feel so sorry for George Carlin for the time he did on this stage with all the jesus freaks.

    Its like looking at a man in a hamster cage being poked by monkeys that where rejected from the sign language lessons.

  3. I know, i’m having a very similar experience.We are having the wrong teachers. XD

  4. Ah, in its corrupted form it is, but in its purest truest form it’s far from it.

  5. Damn I hate american televised debates. Always interrupting each other making it impossible to hear both sides >=(

  6. That girl is using the word ‘god’ in an unorthodox manner by attaching it to the universe.

    If you believe in the universe, which you don’t have to do, since it doesn’t require belief since it’s REAL, it requires acceptance otherwise you’re a lunatic, then just say you believe in the universe

    You don’t need to use words in an unorthodox manner, otherwise they lose their meaning then no one will know what the ***** anyone’s talking about. That’s the problem with these modern religious folks.

  7. I think if the human race can pull its head out of its ****, we have the chance to create an unbelievable world. And when societies thousands of years from now they will look back on us saying how primative and immature we all were, but George will be remembered as one of the great early thinkers of our time

  8. I have an addendum to your comment. Bringing up race isn’t necessary at all, its not a black thing, its not a white thing, asian thing, none of that *****. But I disagree with the notion that all politicians are smart. I highly doubt that one. Yes, they are book smart but they know nothing about anything outside of what they’ve been required to study, and then soon forget it. Thanks for the post I enjoyed the videos

  9. Then I say challenge their definition… make them admit they are a deist at best. Their ignorance of this still allows them to just say ***** like “I’m spiritual” and only pick out the “nice” parts of the bible. The complacent masses which need comfort empower the extremists to commit atrocities. This allows religion to spread like a disease, and makes a virtue out of not having to think… otherwise known as faith.

  10. I think that belief in god is there out of fear of death. People don’t wan’t to think that them & their loved ones will be gone forever.

  11. Oh, how I love Carlin. Pure genius, and, from his detached position, able to tell it as it ACTUALLY is to anyone who’ll listen. Gotta love it. Too bad he’s dead. One of few people you will ever actually catch me mourning even slightly.

  12. I think Carlin is a liiiiiittle bit fucked from the drugs…just a little bit…I mean…when he sais: ” dont come around…whiskey and my sister oO…I dont have a sister…so im good on that. “…wtf? lol…

  13. Does anyone know where I can find the whole segment of the last interview?
    By the way, I have had more inspirational thoughts by watching Carlin on youtube than three years at the university..hehe!

  14. i totally agree with Carlin, i mean he said things the exact same way i would have.
    im happy to see that there at least one person like me out there.

  15. All politicians are actually smart. They control a large aspect of our lives. Bringing up race isn’t necessary. All dem and rep politicians are the problem.

  16. That wasn’t really a debate, more as… George would start talking, and halfway, everyone would god “BLA BLA BLA MY GOD THIS AND THAT!!!”
    I love how the only 2 people I know in that video are George and Bill xD

  17. Would you be a good person if religion/god didn’t exist?

    The answer reveals who you truly are

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