28 thoughts on “George Carlin – Saving the Planet”

  1. i hate this green planet ***** ill tell you what if i wanted to throw a sprite can at a police station that says ***** you i will

  2. Humans showing empathy to members of other species!!!! you gotta be kidding me!!! We do everything but help…..

  3. he might be right at some things, but isn’t he exaggerating? you can’t deny that there *are* species that are in danger because of humans – and even if that is of minimal importance to the planet, it is of importance to humans. Is that bad? Why is it bad to want to preserve a healthier, greener environment for ourselves?

  4. Carlin was phenomenal. What a genious. “Why are we here… plastic, *********”

  5. George Carlin was awesome! Yes, he’s got a point, but who said that the entire planet will be killed by humans? That’s not the point, just that it looks like we’ll cause another mass extinction.

    thunderbangable, you are hilarious, respect.
    But as MadonnasSpareVagina says the point is that people are far too arrogant, this is true, we need to get real. I didn’t know about the 25 species per day, wow! That means there must be a lot of new species per day too, I guess.

  6. It’s not bad, you just missed the point I think. The point is that many talk of saving the planet, but the planet doesn’t need saving as it can take care of itself. More a commentary about the massive egotism humans have, including and especially many environmentalists, when it comes to nature. He didn’t say humans aren’t partially responsible for some endangered species, just that natural selection elimates species on it’s own regardless of what we do.
    One of my favorite Carlin bits. R. I. P.

  7. plastic bags are melting the polar ice caps how *******’ stupid is this because we all know how you can cook a *******’ egg on a plastic bag right. *******’ stupid treatment fuckers.

  8. If there was a possibility to give one person eternal life; I would have given it to George.

    Already missing you greatly funny man!

  9. And I’m sure I speak for the masses when I say that I hope you are the lone survivor.

  10. Are you kidding? We are the biggest ******** joke ever created! As long as we are on this planet,there will always be plenty to laugh and complain about.

  11. Holy *****! this man was hilarious! he deserves a solid gold tombstone!

  12. Haha, the idea of George Carlin being forced to live for an eternity amuses me.

  13. some guy in the crowd keeps screaming ***** wtf is he saying its pissing me off

  14. i wish for a mass catastrophy in 2012 by a solar storm.i wish there will be chaos so a new order will rise from it.humanity needs a wash up.

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