28 thoughts on “George Carlin – Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say On Television”

  1. u got lucky. i read his entire book, decided he was my second favorite comedian , and then found out he died…

  2. Naw nigger, that little ****** **** ************* up there ain’t stopping you from doing *****. Also: God doesn’t exist.

  3. *****, piss, *****, *****, ***** sucker, motherfuck, ****, *****, turd and twat! X4

  4. do you think he heard his two minute warning, and then did something funny? it was earlier in george carlin: again! he’s so great

  5. Honestly, are you saying to be rude, or do you honestly think that it’s a kindness? Carlin didn’t believe in an afterlife or respect the idea… he would have hated hearing ‘be with God.’

  6. wow! man I was thinking the exact same thing when I was watching this video

  7. the only guy, if not as old as he was, who could follow heath ledger’s role as the joker. i just get that vibe from him lol

  8. you need to discover henry rollins before he dies too 🙁 or have you already?

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