George Carlin: Tonight Show – Morningside Heights (Audio Only)

George Carlin performing a piece about his old neighborhood on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. The date of this show is unknown to me(sometime during the mid 1970’s). Credit goes to MeesterMole, who told me this audio came from a vinyl record. That is all the information I have on this piece.

24 thoughts on “George Carlin: Tonight Show – Morningside Heights (Audio Only)”

  1. Wow! Am constantly amazed at your collection of George’s stuff. Keep up the great work.

  2. DiavoloDiAno & MeesterMole you two are awesome. Thank you for sharing this gold. Carlin was the comedy god, Pryor was far second. Word people. Word!

  3. White guys acting like black guys – George predicted hip hop way back in the 70s.

  4. That’s exactly why I subscribe. =) I’m reading Brain Droppings and When Will Jesus Bring The Porkchops right now… god damn do I miss little Georgey. I read his section on the “2 minute warning” everyone gets right before they die today – made me LOL thinking about what he did during his. According to him, he’s in a public bathroom in Honduras right now. Anyone wanna go looking with me? πŸ˜‰ Best. Comedian. Ever.

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