George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps (Douchebag)

After Fred Phelps boasted “George Carlin is in Hell” shortly after his death, George Carlin rose from the grave to beat him down. Keith Olbermann and Jerry Seinfeld gave him a hand, but George brings down Phelps’ bullshit with his usual flawless logic.

15 thoughts on “George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps (Douchebag)”

  1. if this ******* says one thing about micheal jackson, imma kick his ****.

    i just know that hes gonna make a vid about it.

  2. I’m spiritually Christian (different than religious), and I generally agree with George Carlin over Phelps. He contorts true Christianity (like 90% of the population) and is a true example of an “American Christian” You know…JUDGING.

    I may disagree with Carlin’s point of view on God’s existence, but he ******** made me laugh and at least had a y’know what do you call those things…oh yeah A BRAIN, HEART, AND SOUL.

    Where Phelps seems more like a government experiment in action.

  3. damn i wish i had phelps, a chair, some rope and a blow torch…..and i’ll show him hell

  4. ROFL! Just look at that old ***** Phelps, he can barely articulate any words or read from a prompter….. Poor mofo!

  5. Even if there was a hell, phelps would be FAR more likely to end up there. Can’t believe the little shite supports murder of homosexuals.

  6. Actually it is possible. You can be agnostic but an atheist or a theist. Never the less, Phelps is a loser.

  7. I wish Fred Phelps gets a chance to “blow it out his ****”. That worthless, vile, piece of shriveled little *****!!

  8. That was funny. After Fred Phelps said Carlin was rotting in hell a clip of Carlin “THAT GUY IS ******** STUPID!!” LMAO.

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