25 thoughts on “George Carlin – War On Homelessness”

  1. Comedians:
    5.Jim Gaffigan
    4. Brian Regan
    3.Lewis Black
    2.Richard Pryor (RIP)
    1.George Carlin (RIP)

  2. He replaces talent and clever jokes with loud noises and animated gestures. He is a clown. George is a comedian.

    This video is hilarious

  3. they are. they sometimes try to help people but not because they care about them, but because they want to make their god happy with them. they don’t care about what happens to everyone else, as long as their god is impressed with them. everything they do is for themselves.

    for example: africa. if they wanted to help those people, they would send food and medicine. but they don’t.they send BIBLES! bibles that do no good if you’re dying.they only want to help themselves and appease their god.

  4. He was actually cremated and had his ashes scattered, so digging him up would be the first obstacle on the road to the white house.

    BUT, Lewis Black, one of his favorite comedians, did suggest electing a dead president.

  5. People are homeless for a reason…now i agree there needs to be more programs out there to get people back up on there feet. Much of it is personal choice, really. alcaholism and substance abuse are some reasons for homelesness. But i agree, plow down all the golf courses. Its a boreing game any way. lol.

  6. actually if you look at the statistics the homeless are not homeless simply because of poor character traits. that’s a rather narrow view of the homeless, take a sociology class.

  7. lol yess, Cemeteries do take up so much space. It’s pointless, just like golf courses.

  8. Dane Cook is stupid. I have NEVER found him even slightly funny.
    How the hell is he even a comedian?!

  9. The vast majority of homeless people are homeless for a very simple reason:
    They can’t afford a house!
    It’s that simple.
    Now, there’s two ways to fix that: you either give them more money, or make housing cheaper.
    Almost half of homeless families have jobs. (estimates vary wildly) They just can’t afford rent.

    Unemployment and real estate prices are the forces driving homelessness.
    (Plus you have crazy people, and the occasional wino. But i’d bet homelessness is a CAUSE of substance abuse.)

  10. haha yeah wtf…I thought that was my mom yelling for me from my basement, and I left the computer to check haha

  11. i recon hes more of a preacher then comedian. a realist with good ideas. and he just uses comedy to get his points out

  12. Heres my top five

    5:Christopher titus
    4: demetri martin
    3: bo burnam
    2: Jim gaffigan
    1: George Calin(RiP)

    F### Dan cook!

  13. george carlin for president??? what do u wanna dig him up? he’s dead lol. well….. that might still be better than the guy we have right now. good idea, GEORGE CARLIN FOR PRESIDENT!

  14. The only golf sized balls I need to play with are in my ******** pants…***** golf.

  15. i liked the golf course part… XD
    but the cemetary part was bullshit… what the hell are we going to do with all those dead bodies? burn them? thats just going to pollute the air (what sick ***** wants to breath in dead people?)

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