George Soros Is Growing His Network To DESTROY Trump All Off Our Tax Dollars And Here Is How

George Soros Is Growing His Network To DESTROY Trump All Off Our Tax Dollars And Here Is How

George Soros has been the subject of debate for years. The left hails him as a humanitarian who uses his immense wealth for the good of mankind. On the other hand, many believe him to be a master manipulator and all around evil guy. He once referred to himself as a god and in my opinion, anyone who has the balls to make such a bold claim is nothing but bad news. He is known as the “man who broke the Bank of England” for his role in breaking the British pound, basically what happened was Soros and others forced the British government to pull it from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. By the end of the ordeal, Soros ended up pocketing $1 billion on the deal and cemented his reputation as the premier currency speculator in the world.

Soros is a big contributor to Democrats, Two if his biggest benefactors include former President Barack Obama and 3-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. With such big names linked to Soro, it has been difficult uncovering much of his dirty dealings thanks to the numerous politicians and media personnel who’s pockets are lined with the blood money of Soros. Soros is one of the richest men in the world and has spent his life trying to destabilize the United States by funding such groups as BLM, ANTIFA, and many others organizations that have been causing mass chaos across the country. He can’t stand Donald Trump and will stop at nothing to pursue his goal of world domination quite literally. He has been orchestrating world events for years and it is time to expose him once and for all.

In an excellent new commentary from Religion & Liberty Transatlantic, Mihail Neamţu explains the last three decades of George Soros’ Eastern European manipulation. The public intellectual in Romania highlights the differences between Soros’ thug groups that destabilize democracies and Alexis de Tocqueville’s observations of American organizations that built a government unlike any before or since. He examined the impact that the “philanthropist” has had on the region and questioned why taxpayers are funding his machinations.
Soros is the operator of several “philanthropic” non-profit groups. His highly partisan distribution of funds is funneled through the Open Society Foundation. However, during the Obama reign, the taxpayer amount that filtered to his organizations was extreme.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided grants to the Macedonia chapter of Open Society and its counterparts to the tune of nearly $5 million. An additional $9.5 million was earmarked to provide funding until 2021. However, the people who are being impacted by the “charity” are less than pleased with the results.

Macedonia’s president, Gjorge Ivanov, has accused Soros’ organizations with attempts to destabilize his government. He asked why American foreign aid is attempting to impose unpopular, EU-centric policies on his nation. One Macedonian official called these groups were the “the Soros infantry.”

However, Soros doesn’t stop at just one country, his unnatural bent for being God and controlling world events has taken very specific action in former Eastern bloc countries. When communism was defeated under President Reagan, countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania, had practically no funding.

The post-1989 vacuum provide ample opportunity for Soros’ infiltration. The 23rd richest man in the world allowed his tax-exempt Open Society Foundation to hand out contributions for academic and political think tanks designed for the “advancement” of elected institutions.

None of the people recognized Soros’ voracious reputation for money and control. He unscrupulously collapsed the French bank Société Générale, and his hedge fund speculations have ruined lives in Britain, Thailand, and Malaysia.

However, his free hand with democrats and other liberal progressives has been instrumental in retaining his reputation as a genuine humanitarian. Major media outlets present him as a good guy who’s been maligned by conservatives and conspiracy theorists. By providing educational benefits, Soros was originally embraced by Eastern bloc countries.