Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!

Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute. Celente predicts economic depression, tax rebellions, and food riots.

27 thoughts on “Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!”

  1. America has collapsed by design. It was built as a polyarchy which James Maddison termed as a government to be ruled by “the wealth of the nation”. Most people were to be allowed to vote for the rich candidates on occasion; but generally to be discouraged from entering the polyarchy rule.

  2. lets get the word out there about THE OBAMA DECEPTION

    support Alex and Gerald

    fight the new world order

    leave comments about the movie all over youtube

    we can defect the elite and let the truth be known!!!

  3. This time not with that wimpy winky of a scarf wiggling in the draft (haha, joke taken from a Baker interview on youtube.

  4. frwlbrng, do you really think Obama is ending Iraq and Afghanistan? No, he’s expanding it all, just use your own eyes. Obama is simply what was needed- a black face for the NWO.

  5. LOL At 00:40 Seconds

    “I got this Russia Today……*Pause*…Whoa, she’s kinda hot….. Uhhh where they talk to him for 11 minutes”

  6. I remember driving to the voting booth when Mr. Clinton was running for office an I was listening to the radio an they announced Clinton had won before I made it to vote . I knew life as I knew it was over . I have not voted since .

  7. obama zombies are the worst… they dont/wont even check or research anything obama passes/supports, they just go along with it no matter how horrible it is..

  8. I don’t see you doing anything about it. So keep pumping your fist crying Revolution while you look for it on television. It will not happen.

  9. Im an American. Screw America and screw the world. Screw everything. In the end we are all screwed. Why do we have to listen to a “President” or “Congress?” Who the hell are these people. Are they better than us? I dont want to listen to no one. This whole country should rise up and march on washington and take it over.

  10. Still 6,075 for me too. The censorship is so blatant it’s not even funny.

  11. The people controlling America, don’t care about America, their primary concern is Israel.

    They’re a pack of Zionist serpents.

  12. I agree! The deception being thrust upon us by the banksters and corrupt politicans is leading us to an endgame that’s so horrible to even imagine. March on Alex, Gerald, and Peter Schiff !!!

  13. SHAYTARDS channel on YT are ‘Block-Proof’!!

    I can NOT Block them!!
    ***** NWO!

  14. sort of like when the bbc announced the collapse of building 7 when it was clearly standing in the background behind the reporter.

  15. The founders of this nation believed in:
    1) the soap box
    2) the ballot box
    3) the cartridge box

    Congress met secretly last year in preparation for martial law.

    They know it’s coming.

    Now the people know…

    Wake up, America!

  16. Sad but true, the average person in America cares only about their next meal and American Idol.

    Which puts me in sort of a quandry.

    Is this what I defend?
    Is this what I fight for?

    So people can sit around watching this ***** and call it the highlight of their day?
    I try not to think about it and say I will do it for the children and the future. For what was our forefather’s dream and for all the people who ever fought for this country that they did not do it in vain.

  17. An intellectual revolution would be nice, but given his understanding of trends I’m sure he doesn’t expect it to happen.

    People hate to change, even if it is a change for the better. They are accustomed to being Fed falshoods by the MSM and doing as they’re told by the police, reps, the fed.

    Many writers have centered works on the idea that resistance to change can bring a passive man to violence even tho the violence serves to further his own opression and/ord destruction.

  18. Obama is a puppet to the military industrial power,its pentagon who is controlling Obama and every president!

    Pentagon is even controlling europe!

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