Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!

Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute. Celente predicts economic depression, tax rebellions, and food riots.

21 thoughts on “Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!”

  1. There already is my friend.

    What? You think dinner, a movie, and a bottle of cheap wine are free?

    NOT to mention all the products and pills used leading up to sex, during sex, and after sex.

  2. The government is murdering hundred-thousands of people in Iraq and they do it with the US-taxpayer’s money, with your money. If you give money to a bankrobber to help him rob the bank, then you will be punished too. It is not just your moral right not to pay your taxes, it’s your moral duty. Supporting federal murderers with money, makes you responsible for their crimes, for your money is their power. Watch Aaaron Russo: Income taxes are illegal anyway.

  3. Love listening to Gerald Celente. He’s right, it’s not about Obama it’s about our freedom from overbearing taxation, caused by Obama, Geithner, Pelosi and Reid.

  4. The elite new they could push the race card with Obama if we did not agree with anything the government is trying to pull off, they are so crafty.

  5. and with rahm israel emanuel, (i didn’t even know his middle name was israel until i wikipediaed it) as chief of staff, it doesn’t look good. be prepared.

  6. Not supporting any of these fools, but overtaxation has been an issue for at least five decades, and severely for the past three. All politicians know how to do is tax, because they produce nothing. Blaming people for doing what they do best is a trap. We will loose when we point fingers. Let none of them run while someone else takes the heat.

  7. The products and pills for sex is taxed, yes, I know and agree, my friend.

    Things in the world aren’t free, I know this. I am not that stupid… lol!

    But what I mean this the act of sex; we might have to ask the government to have sex and there might be a tax for the act. I don’t know, I am just saying.

  8. I’m glad that if I need help on something Youtube always shows me how to do it. haha I never knew so many people were so informative!

  9. what is the FIRST SONG PLEAAAASE ??

    can you tell me friends ??


  10. how can people not make a revolt, when this elite stoll 12.8 trillion dollars of your money!!

    Is everybody asleep ore zombies..!!

    God its killing us!

  11. No offence dude.. Sometimes u got a point 🙂

    But what’s with the TERMINATOR music
    at the intro?

    Respect & Peace

  12. It was best that Obama won the election to get these people to wake up. If McCain had won, the Republicans would still be sleeping. Now lets see if we can wake those liberals up or break their spell from the “Obama Kool-Aid” like what was attempted on the conservatives after they had their fair share of the “Bush Kool-Aid”.

  13. rachel is a stupid ***** ****** acting like this is a joke!!! Janeane Garofalo is a stupid cuban half breed that doesnt no ***** about history that ******** ***** is being racist call us rednecks!!!

  14. SATANSbankers wrote “It was part of the Zionist NeoCON agenda to change the Middle East, with America as the Pit Bull sent in to Attack.”
    Yes my friend if you guys don’t get them Emanuel type scum ********* out of control of the US you will have a Pit Bull with no teeth left…

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