Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!

Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, trend forecaster, author, and CEO of The Trends Research Institute. Celente predicts economic depression, tax rebellions, and food riots.

14 thoughts on “Gerald Celente on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:Commercial Real Estate is Next to Go!!”

  1. Calling out one group of many who are envolved with this and thinking that they are the root is in my opinion counter productive, this evil knows no boundries and they are in every government and religion or any other control of man system.

  2. For anyone not au fait with the whole deal; that what the media spouts has been so ‘spun’, twisted and sanitised as to be unrecognisable, coming to this site would think that a collection of ADHD-affected 7 year olds had been at work in the comments on these videos. Are some of you getting paid to leave irrelevant, asinine junk. If we want our opinions to be greeted with objectivity we need to do the same for others. Good Grief. We could discuss stategy here, you know…

  3. Well, I don’t think these guys are pessimist porn, but I do wonder if they ever have any fun. I do agree it’s important to be sober during sober times and warn everyone, though.

  4. satansbankers:
    You are being redundant when you say Jesuit priests, Nazi’s or Catholics. They are all one and the same.

  5. Oh yeah baby, NWO, oh depression, mmmmmmm oh oh oh oh FEMA Camp, oh oh uh uh uh Major Failure, uh uh uh oh yes yes yes oh oh Dow is down, oh oh home price plunging, oh oh massive layoff, oh oh oh oh uh uh uh oh oh 17% unemployment, uh uh uh , I’m cumming, oh I’m cumming oooooooh aaaaaaah ooooooh yeah. Ahh that feels so good.”

    -Pessimism Porn.

  6. Calling people retards is not the way to go … wake up to yourself.

    Rents66 said it well
    “Calling out one group of many who are envolved with this and thinking that they are the root is in my opinion counter productive, this evil knows no boundries and they are in every government and religion or any other control of man system.”

  7. This is the worst financial cycle in the history of the world…

    Don’t worry, be happy…

    Hollow words … don’t you think?

    Hard to be happy when you’re hungry and don’t have a roof over your head.

  8. This is so damn creepy….especially knowing how this has happened….no accident..all planned……how stupid can these elite idiots be? How do they win without a heart???

  9. ooo i really liked this… ive alwasy been a big fan and its good to see that its going forward in a good direction. hopefully there will be more postive resutls.

  10. i’d rather have guns and ammo, which i can’t buy in my city because all the gun shops have closed.

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