Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 20-Apr-09 1/4

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 20 Apr 2009 for more http

31 thoughts on “Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show 20-Apr-09 1/4”

  1. Gerald Celente is the voice of reason, in a world starved of truth.

    We need to stop printing money and return to a stable “valuation” system.

    Ben Benarke’s actions only made sense, if he aimed to destroy the US dollar. The question we should be asking is why did the Fed choice to take this course of action?

  2. One of the ways that this country can be saved economically is TO GET RID OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE! Number 2-PRODUCE JOBS IN THIS COUNTRY BY STOPPING THE EXPORT OF JOBS FOR CHEAP LABOUR!!The elites ain’t gonna let that happen though. I can see a secession of states from the Union in the future.

  3. Celente is right when he says “There is NOTHING we can do.” But, no one seems to get it.

  4. I am still a little confused on this video. It makes me laugh though. haha! Youtube= freedom of the videos… haha, gotta love it.

  5. I’ll listen to Celente if he’s on Alex Jones’ show, but I don’t listen to that blow-hard Alex anymore, especially after he pigeon holed veteran Marines in the aftermath of that recent shoot out incident… Which by the way, was perpetrated by a man that was dropped by the USMC long before he could claim a rank and title. Jones has lost credibility and respect by trying to pigeon hole brave American men and women, many of which were economically driven to join the military in the first place.

  6. You said it RAbbi!

    But realize, unless he wants to go on xms, he can’t bring up Israel

    They own every single major media outlet in America!

  7. You can’t be suggesting that a republican prsident would be making this situation better? Study the last 30 years of history and you find a somking gun. GOP disaster capitalism and pure greed. Obama us what the GOP will never be, succesful due to empathy and intellegnce.

  8. Gerald Celente rocks!

    Whomever that does not listen to Celente will regret it pretty soon.

  9. America is rapidly headed towards hyperinflation and Gerald is one of the only people brave enough to warn Americans before the US dollar is completely worthless. I strongly suggest reading the articles and signing up for the free newsletter at: Inflation . us

  10. Our country is going down the ******** so fast that Alex Jones is no longer in the business of pumping out conspiracy theories he’s on the cutting edge of journalism. How in the hell did that happen? Or should I say: how in the hell did we let this happen?

  11. “Obama is the worst of Clinton”….
    “Obama is a kiss-butt fake” aaahahahahahahahaha!
    I coulda told you that! I knew that when Obama was running for President!

  12. Masons/Illuminati + Federal Reserve +Congress + Executive Branch + Judicial Branch + CFR + TLC + CIA = satanic Crime syndicate

  13. The American people aren’t going to do a Damn Thing…you know it, and I know it.

    These “tea Parties” accomplished NOTHING. Unless the American people are willing to Tar and Feather these politicians and carry them through the streets with torches and pitchforks then they are wasting their time.

    Americans will do NOTHING….just watch.
    Face it…we’re DOOMED. The American people have lost ALL control of their government, tax money, and the control of their lives.

    Game Over

  14. Alex Jones is a nut but Celente is right on the mark on *most* of the ***** he says.

    Ignore him at your own peril.

  15. Why do you think Thomas Jefferson said ”A little revolution now and then is a good thing.’

  16. what’s up with alex’s voice??? It sounds like he has sandpaper in his throat

  17. Its gonna be a BLOODY mess on the streets of AmeriKKKa real soon.

  18. the dow will be worth one ounce of gold. there is much historical evidence to support this.

  19. nepharous you fall right into the trap of believing this men are any different one from the other. You can’t see the big picture. Obama may seem as though he is doing differently than Bush to you, but Obama is merely in there to carry on the next phase of the agenda. Get over your overwrought emotional tie to Obama and start to take a closer more discerning look.

  20. The American people are viewed by congress as nothing more than human livestock to be harvested at the end of each week and on April 15th of every year. All year long working Americans sacrifice the time they have to live in order to support their families. It is time the American people realize that their power is in the jury box. NOT GUILTY should be the rallying cry of juries who decide the fate of all citizens charged with tax crimes by the IRS.

  21. 2 parties one platform
    and for 40+ years they have looted gutted and raped Americans .Yet Americans like blithering idiots line up to vote for them time and again.
    Just recently reelecting all but 17 of congress?

    Americans are asking for it,they want to be left with a silly grin waving a flag and taking it up the rear from the 2 party one platform system.

  22. You people want the crystal ball on the economy? Its the dow/gold ratio. In 1932 the ratio hit 1 and in 1980 it hit 1. It will hit one again. That means one ounce of gold will buy one share of the dow. The dow could go to 4000 and gold to 4000, or the dow could nominally go to 10,000, but gold will go to 10,000. The dow and gold will at some point meet within the next year or so. The dow/gold ratio is the best device used by professionals and it measures the dow in honest money!

  23. stuff like this makes ME want to be president of the USA, so i could fix this fuxing problem with our government. BRB joining military to one day become a general and run fro president after i retire like Eisenhower. id do away with so much that the american people may not even like me. but i wouldnt care because it will be in the best interest for the country in the long run NOT the government

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