21 thoughts on “Google Tries To Silence Alex Jones”

  1. Do you know one of the best techiniques to mislead a particular group of people? Pretend to be part of this group. Talk like them, show ultimate believe in what they believe, fight for their causes and so on. Now as a member of the group he will show so much eloquence and strengh that soon he will be seen as a leader. Then, it becomes easy to change the truth, hide it, mix it with lies and cover the whole thing up. He seems to be one of us but he is indeed not.

  2. It makes total sense to remove his channel if he is a disinformation agent! As an aware individual you should take no-ones opinion/post as gospel, always research. Personally Alex has highlighted many issues that I would not have been aware of, Bill Cooper, David Icke and may others are all thought provoking individuals that have awoken me. I don’t really see what more Alex could do to further the cause, or would you rather trust the mass media?

  3. i agree, youtube has been getting worse and worse ever since google bought it, and i don’t care if they ban me for saying this, but the things they should be removing are the inappropriate things, not copyrights. people can post music videos on youtube, but i can’t post a song in the background that i had on a cd i paid for. it’s ridiculous

  4. Sad the world has it’s power to this. Power has it’s good and it’s bad. Well Democracy and other forms of government isn’t always good, because people cause others to shut up. Sad when only one side is heard.

    No I am not an Anarchist. They end up with people they listen to and some they follow in a march. Don’t believe in a thing called anarchy as leaderless.
    Though I do believe in individuals to keep trying to show their voice in all forms. Keep trying don’t give up.

  5. Google William Cooper. look man the elite can erase anyone they run this reality.He speaks some truth(AJ) but he’s gaining your trust. He’s going to lead you to the slaughter as well.

  6. The mainstream media has almost no credibility, they are nothing but empty headed, corporate shills reading off a teleprompter, and are forbidden to say anything that hasn’t been cleared by their owners. They are a disgrace to journalism, and keep important info from the people for the benefit of the global criminals that are moving to destroy our country, and our very lives. Alex Jones is a threat because he is working 24/7 to expose their agenda, and he tells the TRUTH.

  7. i’m not degrading you people believing these kind of stuff, but don’t you guys think the truth movement could also be something that is created to control people who are very well educated? I think these ideas are very much related to sociology and social science, i’m thinking maybe the communists are invovled perhaps? so basically these guys are telling you guys is to bring down your own government.. i’m not disrespecting you people or anything,, i just want you people to think outside the box.

  8. Two thumbs up!! Jones is a Zionist disinfo agent, and so is NuffRespect (Kirt Nimmo?).

  9. Only when its in the Bullies favor its acceptable to push around the little guy.

  10. i belive now that for real you are on the side,of the almight sundaylight
    and the real people,
    2141 ,NOT,2009,,,EVERY 9 MONTHS
    make 1 year not 12 months
    you real age is every 9 months
    it take 9 month to make a baby,
    the last 400 years is 533 years ago,

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