Gregg Braden – The Matrix of Life

There is a living field between the particle of atoms that gives matter its form, this is the matrix of all matter. Ancient civilizations already know this, and the Western world is only beginning to wake up to this.

21 thoughts on “Gregg Braden – The Matrix of Life”

  1. You watch videos that piss you off, and that you disagree with.

    Who’s the lunatic nut job?

    linkingprayer just told you everything you wanted to know lol. You’re truly ignorant. He doesnt have to ‘design some SCIENTIFIC experiments’ because all those experiments to prove its existance were done decades ago LOL!!! Do some research on entanglement at the quantum level and get back to us k? 🙂
    You can swear as much as you want, it doesnt change the fact that you’re simply uneducated.

  2. Could the name Teacher or perhaps even Guru be more apprpriately applied?

  3. Greg Braden is a modern day prophet.. He had presented un doubtable proof of life through all examples of science. People are just now begining to open up to the “truth” that allows us to transcend physical reality. Very different for people to assume but hard to deny. This man is great. His work is an attrubute to all those who have before and after will be unable to disgard as philosiphy or theory. A conciencousness of all of us exists in everything. Powerfull!!! Awsome. Truly great.

  4. I would not go so far as saying he’s bullshit, but there is something in Braden’s delivery which appears somewhat superficial.

    I posted this on the basis of agreeing with the original principles which came from Hindhu vedas and later from Buddhist spiritual teachings. These are also broadly expounded by modern day teachers like Deepak Chopra but I dont happen to have Deepak’s video on these concepts.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. lol i agree but try and tell them that i have tried countless times on here and i just get name called and people even that i know dont care to listen they call me weird.

  6. Yes! And the best way to approach life is….do not judge anyone, regardless of who you think they are. Let them learn in their own time. This is because each of us is trying to make sense of things (life) in our own ways. Whether you an atheist, a theist or a believer of only what you see/science it does not matter – we are all looking for the same thing, albeit from different angles.

  7. I love Einstein, but in accordance to this vid, it might be better said without judgement. Assigning a label such as “mediocre” is a judgement. Perhaps it would just be sufficient to say that there are those that have yet to have reached understanding. Because the truth is, even a “mediocre” mind can reach that understanding in a nanosecond.

  8. I have lived in and out of mainland China since 1990, I reside in Hong Kong now. This is all nonsense but I must say that the bit he spouts about the tumor in Beijing is ridiculous. I have worked in health care in Asia for 15 years and visited many hospitals and traditional therapists in China, India, Thailand and elsewhere and have never seen or heard of anything like what Gregg is referring to. The kind of compassion he sites is simply not evident.

  9. True! Whats also true is that wisdom is coming back around.The ‘blow dried bouffont Mullet’, has been gone since 1986 but now it seems as the though its back with us,Thanks Gregg!

  10. MsAtheist: If skepticism ans science is working well for you and creating a good human experience for you for the short period of time that you will be here, then, wonderful. Although I would like to point out that anyone who has actually experienced something “mystical” or “magical” knows that these things can not be observed through rational thinking or any particular science. Recently, however…

  11. Hi. If you look at the energy patterns surrounding Megaliths or Standing Stones in Northern France or Stone Circles you can see how our ancestors were capable of working with these grids, fields etc. You can do the same – create a small labyrinth in your garden/yard and dowse the energy field before you make it, and after you have removed it and see the difference. Ask the spirit of the place first . May 2 is World Labyrinth Day so there’ll be something near you on Saturday wherever you are XX

  12. When two or more are gathered together for the same goal, the power is multiplied and speeds up the manifestation process. I healed myself of cancer…it took 6 weeks at the time for the lab results to show the proof (no chemotherapy etc.)…because I was the only one who believed in “spiritual healing”. I did it the way I knew how then…Learn more about it,there’s other teachings and practicing that one should master first, prior to just jumping into this video.LEARN WHAT “ONE” IS FIRST!!!!

  13. I was with him all the way until about 6 minutes through.

    I completely agree about this “Matrix of Life” concept (though I prefer Nature’s Mind) because the perfection of the myriad of systems within the universe is, in my opinion, an impossible balancing act on the basis of chance unless chance itself is structured and part of a consciousness (though not conscious in the way we think the word). However, us having the ability to manipulate that ‘mind’ or ‘matrix’ is the point where I disagree.

  14. You cannot grasp the infinite power of the non-linear domain that governs all things because you are closed off to it.

  15. I must object to your reasoning. Braden’s science is encapsulated into the ‘Esoteric” division because the hierarchy which decides what you should hear, what you should believe, and what you should accept as fact…has decided to place it there.

    You are being offered an alternative to what others think is appropriate. If you believe that because ‘the hierarchy’ didn’t present it to you – then it is bogus…then you MUST ask yourself…just how brainwashed are you?

    And more importantly…why?

  16. Thanks you, LordMorningStar, for bringing in the obvious question of “Can you show me?” Anyone can say anything with deep sincerity but until you can show up and show the science it’s all just words.

    For really fantastic stuff that doesn’t need supernatural to be utterly astonishing, read “Hyperspace” by physicist Michio Kaku regarding String Theory and 10 dimensional space. While it’s utterly mind-boggling, it is impossible to take this 10 dimensional space and make it work in four dimensions.

  17. Gregg I absoulutly love all that you are doing to bring together science and spiritual truth God Bless you
    C noonan

  18. OK – Richard Dawkins expressed it best addressing Deepak’s nonsense – “…so you are just using quantum jargon in a poetic sense, eh”?

    What hospital in Beijing? Where is the video? Where is the documentation in a peer reviewed journal?

    The idea that ancient = superior or some hidden mystical knowledge that offers anything useful is just plain silly.

    OK you discovered this Matrix, drop all your doing and design scientific studies to show how and why it works – not some “feeling good” stuff.

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