Guitar Hero 3 – The Metal Expert FC 285k (lol)

way better … the metal tenacious lol jameslikecoulter Chris Hahn HAHNINATOR Woodlief Brian McNeill mr hands easy medium expert fc 100% Yahoo! Britney Spear WWE Shakira Jessica Simpson Paris Hilton google American Idol Beyonce Knowles Brown Pamela Anderson Lindsay Lohan penis youtube gh gh2 gh3 world tour guitar hero ttfaf through fire and flames iamchris4life raining blood slayer metallica solo chord kyle gass wii weed family guy south park fail naked hot sex xbox 360 ps2 jack black all …

16 thoughts on “Guitar Hero 3 – The Metal Expert FC 285k (lol)”

  1. Good job =),
    check out my videos
    or if you’d like to play me just send me a message =) that is if your playing on wii..

  2. wow you’ve got ******** mad skills awesome video, impressive gutiar playing 😀

  3. So tell me, wtf are you listening to? Probably some lame “yo niggah yo!!!! i r teh niggah come ***** me.. niggah niggah niggah!!!” .. – And in english hiphop /rap. ***** THAT! omfg, GO METAL!

  4. what are you talking about? the full kit, which includes drums and mic,(SEANPULL HAS NO *****)only cost me 202 with tax…

  5. On the part at 1.14 YEs it’s kinda hard. but i tried and tried until i made it on 100 % (just that part) 😀

  6. hey does anyone no if the new guitar hero game [world tour i think?] has microphone and drums like Rockband?

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