Guitar Hero 3-The Way It Ends 567k 99%

the way it ends prototype jameslikecoulter Chris Hahn HAHNINATOR Woodlief Brian McNeill mr hands easy medium expert fc 100% Yahoo! Britney Spear WWE Shakira Jessica Simpson Paris Hilton google American Idol Beyonce Knowles Brown Pamela Anderson Lindsay Lohan penis youtube gh gh2 gh3 world tour guitar hero ttfaf through fire and flames iamchris4life raining blood slayer metallica solo chord green red yellow blue orange wii weed family guy south park fail xbox 360 ps2 Kirk Hammett all that remains …

10 thoughts on “Guitar Hero 3-The Way It Ends 567k 99%”

  1. nic3, your pretty good actually, ive almost fced this song, but my hand always gets tired and i end up missing a note on the solo.

  2. Its not realy that hard it’s just different from other songs so its kinda weird
    anyways, great job i can only 5 star this and get 280k soon to be 300k, we should try and coop some songs, i think we could break some records =)

  3. I love how you kill your strum bar :B

    How do you get around the little pauses between each string of notes because I have 97% but because of those I can’t get more than 3 stars

  4. wtf is up with ur tags what has this got anything to do with paris hilton and american idol wtf

    and its funny cus it only has 365 views

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