Hare Krishna Science Interview Part 8 of 8

Interview about the Science of Krishna Consciousness. The Questions are answered by a Devotee of Srila Bhaktivendanta Narayan Maharaja called Prem Prayojan. Please Visit www.purebhakti.com – Thankyou for you time.

4 thoughts on “Hare Krishna Science Interview Part 8 of 8”

  1. The truth seems to be that we simply do not know what the cause is.
    I like relating to the “cause” as a person until I read all the details of how that person purposefully deletes memory and information to the soul and still punishes us anyway. Who wants to go to a school where the teacher zaps your memory, then when you fail they flunk you and punish you.
    Your presentation unfairly blames us for the inadequacies of the creation. Thanks.
    Please do not visit my site as it is not for monks.

  2. There are many reasons why you forget, one main reason is so that you can continue with your free will and not think you are under someones control. We are here as enjoyers, we wanna be God so he lets us play the fantasy. Basically it facilitates your freewill.

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