Heartbreaking: 90-Year-Old Widow Kicked Out at Nonprofit After 60 Years Over Pronouns!

In a move that has sparked controversy and disbelief, Fran Itkoff, a 90-year-old California woman, was dismissed from her volunteer position at the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society, a decision that was reportedly made because she expressed confusion over the concept of pronouns. Itkoff, who has dedicated six decades of her life to volunteering for the MS Society, found herself at odds with the organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) guidelines after she inquired about the meaning of pronouns being added to email signatures.

Itkoff’s journey with the MS Society has been long and personal; her involvement began in support of her husband, who led the Long Beach Lakewood MS support group until his death 20 years ago. Over the years, Itkoff’s unwavering commitment was recognized through multiple awards from the nonprofit, underscoring her significant contributions to the MS community.

The situation escalated when Itkoff was approached by a representative of the MS Society, who requested that she use pronouns in her communications. Itkoff, unfamiliar with this practice, sought clarity on its meaning, explaining that she had noticed pronouns in correspondence but did not understand their significance. Her inquiry, aimed at understanding a policy she found confusing, was met with a response that she was violating the organization’s DEI guidelines. Shortly after, Itkoff received an email informing her of the decision to remove her from her volunteer role, citing the need to adhere to these guidelines.

The decision to ask Itkoff to step down has raised questions about the application of inclusivity and diversity policies, especially when it leads to the exclusion of individuals based on misunderstandings or lack of familiarity with new social norms. Itkoff’s daughter, Elle Hamilton, pointed out the irony in the situation, highlighting the contradiction between the organization’s stated goal of inclusivity and the exclusion of a long-time, dedicated volunteer over a request for clarification. [Libs of TikTok https://bit.ly/3I1RSKM]

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