Here Is What Americans Are Doing To Take Back Their Town From This Secret Islamic Deal
Mosques have been popping up all America with the help of non-profit Muslim organizations and shady lawyers hell bent on furthering the Islamic agenda. Many towns have fought hard against the addition of these Mosques that tend to be a breeding ground for extremists, but most fail. Just when you thought that there was no chance at stopping this growth along comes to a group of citizens from New Jersey that is fighting for their right to be heard and demand that there be no further deals made in secret to work around local laws.
The Justice Department up to this time has had no problem bullying towns and cities into giving into the demands of Muslims but one group in New Jersey is standing up and saying enough!
New Jersey attorney Mr. Michael Hryack filed a lawsuit late last week against Bernards Township. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of long time resident Cody Smith in the Superior Court of New Jersey. Hryack is affiliated with The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), which is a public interest law firm out of Michigan. The lawsuit is specifically asking that the deal made with the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build their mosque be voided completely.
According to the press release:
“The lawsuit alleges that various governmental entities of Bernards Township violated the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act (the so-called Sunshine Law) when they entered into settlements with the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (Islamic Society). The Islamic Society and the DOJ had filed lawsuits in federal court alleging that the Township had discriminated against the Islamic Society when it declined to approve the construction of a large mosque on a lot that was far too small to handle the contemplated structure. However, the Township agreed to settle the cases without ever disclosing to the public the terms of those agreements. New Jersey courts have routinely held that the New Jersey Sunshine Law requires that the terms of proposed settlement agreements in land use lawsuits be disclosed to the public and open for public comment before any settlement is reached.”
Before filing the lawsuit, resident Cody Smith made several attempts to gather information about the agreement drawn up between the township, the DOJ and the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge. Even though this information should have been made public, the meetings happened behind closed doors, and the full details were not disclosed. Smith through his attorney is now suing to have the whole agreement voided because of the lack of public information.
According to the President and Chief Counsel of TMLC, Richard Thompson:
“There must be transparency in government. The attempt to shroud these settlements in secrecy is outrageous. Citizens have a right to know what agreements their elected officials are considering making in their names. Furthermore, these citizens have a right to have their public objections heard by their elected representatives before any vote is taken on a settlement.”
This is not the first involvement the TMLC has had with this particular township. Before the DOJ stepping into strong arm the locals, residents who dared to speak out against the mosque were harassed. Even though none of the residents who attended town hall meetings to oppose the mosque were in positions to stop the buildings, they were sued. Average citizens were targeted by outlandish subpoenas that made demands to see all their emails, social media posts, voicemails or any other communications about the Muslim faith, the mosque or anything relating to Islam. Because they were not attached directly to the building permits or any decisions made about the building efforts, the TMLC contends they were being harassed. The TMLC is also representing a group of citizens that felt they were being targeted because they did not support the mosque.
It was only a matter of time until people stood up for their homes and fought back. There is only so much we can take and there is no way that we will give up our land without a fight. The forces of evil will not prevail while there are good people willing to stand up for what’s right. We must continue to spread the truth and wake more people up to see the dangers Muslims are bringing in. This is our country and we will fight back.