Hidden Archeology & Cosmic Hierachy

Date: 03-19-08 Host: George Noory Guests: Michael Cremo, Robert Felix Author and researcher Michael Cremo returned to discuss ‘forbidden archeology,’ ancient Sanskrit knowledge, and cosmic hierarchy. He shared evidence that humans existed on this planet millions of years ago. Examples included, a human skeleton found in Illinois under a thick layer of unbroken slate rock– which was estimated to be around 300 million years old. And a probable shoe print (the ‘Meister print’) discovered in Antelope Spring, Utah in slate rock that also contained a trilobite fossil, dated back to 500 million years ago. It’s written in the ancient Sanskrit texts known as the Vedas, that human civilizations have come and gone many times in the history of the Earth. After each time, the planet had to be repopulated and Cremo speculated that higher beings might have reseeded the planet with life forms. The Vedas also described ‘vimanas’– different types of spacecraft that could travel between planets, subtle dimensions, and into pure consciousness. Cremo believes we are part of a multidimensional cosmos in which ordinary matter, subtle planes, and pure consciousness co-exist and are inhabited by beings in each of the different realms. Spirit communications, apparitions, UFOs, and possession are evidence of this, he said. He also posited that humankind has devolved from the realm of pure consciousness and “become covered with the lower energies of mind and matter.” Climate Update First hour