Hillary Threatens To Leave US Because Of Trump — Won’t Like The Place She Picked!
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Hillary Clinton is back at it, bashing President Donald Trump as she is apparently still resentful over her embarrassing election loss to him. This time, Clinton threatened to leave the U.S. entirely because of Trump. However, she’s not going to like the place she picked.
Former Secretary of State and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was in New Zealand on Monday, where she joked that she thought about permanently relocating there after her crushing election loss to Donald Trump. “I received a number of invitations from Kiwis to permanently relocate here,” Clinton said in Auckland, according to Breitbart. “I must say I really appreciated the offers and gave them some thought, but I’m going to stay put because we have work to do in my country as well.”
It’s ironic that Hillary feels she needs to “stay put” because there’s so much work to be done. After all, it was she, as Secretary of State, and former President Barack Obama, who created most of the problems we are now working to fix. Even more ironic, perhaps, is the fact that Hillary thinks she will have any hand in righting the ship now that her political career is finished.
On the contrary, with Hillary and Obama out of his way, President Trump has been working diligently to fix all of the issues they left him saddled with. He’s been tremendously successful during his first sixteen months in office, accomplishing more in such little time than perhaps any other man to hold the office before him. So Hillary can sit down.
The same way she is clearly in denial about the current situation in the U.S. and the fact that she will not be allowed anywhere near the “fixing” process, Hillary is apparently quite misinformed on the situation in New Zealand, as well. Most people do their research before moving halfway across the world, but not Hillary Clinton. That’s a decision which should be taken lightly, according to the woman who also thought it was no big deal to use a private email server when she was the Secretary of State. After all, “What difference does it make?”
Well, as it turns out, moving to New Zealand would make a massive difference in Hillary’s life. One person who, like her, was considering moving from the U.S. to New Zealand, turned to the online forum City-Data.com in order to ask New Zealanders for their firsthand accounts regarding what it’s actually like to live on the island versus in the United States. The response he received likely made him change his mind about moving altogether.
“Hi everyone. My wife and I were looking into moving from the US to New Zealand,” wrote user stevo31, who also said he and his wife were looking for somewhere safe to start a family. “I researched a great deal but I’m having trouble with the crime rates there. Apparently, New Zealand ranks number 3 or 4 in crime? Higher than the US?” he questioned.
Stevo31’s dreams of establishing a safe homeplace for his future family in New Zealand were quickly dashed by locals who noted that the strict gun control laws left them without a way to defend themselves while criminals had ample opportunity to commit a violent crime. “Seems like crime over here is getting a lot worse these days, especially compared to 7+ years ago,” wrote mattyj46. “Hear of a body turning up here or there every few weeks on the news,” he added.
“There is quite a lot of crime in NZ – living in a middle/upper middle area will decrease your risk of violent crime but theft may still be an issue. Much property theft is under-reported,” commented tuberose. “I live in Auckland and feel reasonably safe but am always aware. I do not go wandering around downtown late. We have plenty of murders … often sexually motivated, gang related or something to do with drugs.”
“I personally feel safer in the US, as gun crime tends to be in certain areas, and its usually done by someone you know,” added urbandeco. “I wouldnt move to NZ because its safe. There has to be other strong reasons why. Expect a lower standard of living too, unless you are well off already. Higher cost for housing, higher tax, more expensive goods but it is a great country if its the right fit for you. Do your research.”
Hillary Clinton loves gun control, so New Zealand may sound like a paradise to her in theory. However, she’s never actually lived in a country with such extreme gun laws, making self-defense a serious issue. While we would love to see Hillary go, she may want to do a bit more research before leaving.