#HillaryClinton Is Public Enemy Number One: Compromised, Putrid and Devoid of Character or Morality

That Hillary Clinton is a liar is now inarguable. Indeed, it’s gotten so inarguable that people who dare argue she isn’t a liar are almost certainly lying, too — though, perhaps, only to themselves, to keep their spirits up.

The problem for Hillary’s apologists is that she’s so incredibly bad at it.

Bill’s brilliant lies provided cover for his defenders. Hillary’s lousy lies make her defenders look like fools. The pair of revelations in the past week demonstrates this.

First we learned she had told the FBI her plan to set up a private server for her emails had been presented to her as a welcome gift by her predecessor Colin Powell at a State Department dinner. At that point, the defenders came out in full force — see, it wasn’t her idea, and it had been done before, and so what!

Whereupon Powell first said he had no recollection of saying any such thing to her, and then angrily told a reporter he’d mentioned using AOL for his private correspondence a year after she’d set up the private server at home to handle all her communications.

“They’re trying to pin it on me,” said Powell, who has no dog in this fight and no reason to lie. Unlike Hillary.

So, on Twitter, the Hillary defenders found themselves resorting to the lamest sort of anti-Powell argle-bargle — “Nyah nyah, Colin Powell said there were WMDs in Iraq.” Which is interesting, since Hillary Clinton also said there were WMDs in Iraq, and somehow they don’t go nyah nyah about her having said it.

The overall line of defense of Hillary then shifted to “She said this in unsworn testimony that should never have gone public.” Now that’s interesting, because it’s a little like someone else saying of the villain on an episode of Scooby-Doo that “she would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”

More important than this, perhaps, was the discovery that her two chief aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, were serving as transmission points between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation — the issue being what favors might be granted at State to the foundation’s donors and intimates.

“There is absolutely no connection between anything that I did as secretary of state and the Clinton Foundation,” Clinton said last month. Bzzzzzt! And there goes the lie detector! Indeed, on Tuesday the AP revealed that more than half of the non-governmental meetings Clinton took while secretary of state were with foundation donors.

The lie detector also buzzed when she said she’d never forwarded any emails “marked classified,” which we now know she did.

As it did when she said she thought all her emails were somehow copied to a .gov email address — something that only began happening at the State Department in 2015, two years after she quit.

As it did when she claimed in July 2015 that her emails had never been subpoenaed — a claim refuted the following day by Rep. Trey Gowdy, who said he had done so but had not made it public.

Bad lie after bad lie after bad lie after bad lie. It’s enough to make one remember how billing records from the Rose Law Firm, where she had worked in Arkansas, suddenly turned up in a closet on the third floor of the White House two years after she’d said they’d gone missing. They’d been under subpoena for two years.


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