Hip-Hop Industry Masonic Agenda pt.3/3

direction they are moving us in. This work is a mixture of conversations from Alan Watt, Tupac Shakur & “Gwapo’s” weekly Radio Show. … nwo new world order age illuminati hollywood Hip Hop Rock music freemason masonic industry occult subliminal Symbolism mind control brainwash history CFR jesuit Vatican Romanism secret society image video Covert-op Psy-op truth lies movement slavery Socialism Communitarianism Fascism government Mystery Religion Babylon All Seeing Eye Horus Isis Osiris Sun Star …

6 thoughts on “Hip-Hop Industry Masonic Agenda pt.3/3”

  1. chrisn9ne

    for your first of two comments.
    I know what you’re referring, it’s the Freeman show with Texe Marrs and Noreagaaa made some Muslim movie on that too.

    I made back in time a video about the Britney/Madonna MTV ritual with a lot of TRUE explanation that none of them were saying.

    for your second comment.
    Alex Jones lied about the Bohemian Grove. It’s Catholic and it’s not Moloch, it’s Lilith.
    S&B is catholic too.

  2. that’s so true. they make war look so glammorous and at the same time they make us poorer and poorer so that it’s about the only thing we can do economically to get ahead. now they got the youth brigade too. why don’t they have money for federal schools where they can’t even afford for kids to bring their books home anymore. they have to share ******** books! and yet they got all this money for a youth brigade? you expect me to believe that bullshit? youth brigade = hitler youth

  3. cool…yea whether they are “Catholic” or not all religions have been corrupted or tainted to some degree –and they do Satanic rituals there

  4. Hey, Chrisn9ne, what was this video that you watched called? I’d like to check that out.

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