16 thoughts on “Hollyweird!! & all the Chaos”

  1. you’re right, no man should hit a woman…but i feel as a woman you should always pick your partners wisely.

    there are some really physically strong women who can defend themselves…but again you shouldn’t go around looking for a fight. if a woman is in a relationship to control a man then i think she should check herself.

    because you can only fix yourself and nobody else..

  2. All of em need to chill, all of this retarded **** beef between rich folks is senseless all of em got paper cake out the **** and all they wanna do is act a muthafuckin fool. I thought stars had it made and were happy. Fooled me LOL jk but yeah officer is skrewed

  3. Yea that was wrong lol.

    I guess, by your logic, that explains why Will and Jada still together after all these years.

  4. you know this is true….its WEIRD, I’m honestly tired of hearing about the C&R Drama, mediatakeout have them in every damn post, he did this, she did this, damn, but great video, (ROTFLMA @ CHUCKY DOLLS)… 5 stars

  5. Life is really too short for me to be concerned about Hollywood mess. People are people even if they have money or if they are broke.

  6. Good vid,
    I think Eda was on the truth tho Beyonce’ dont put ur guards down

  7. I hate when brolic chicks are proud they fight dudes…what is that?!?!

    P.S. Let me pick out your outfit, haha =)

  8. Mo money mo problems so a broke nigga like me is cool with Life! Hollywood looks good from this vantage point. Good to see you back!

  9. Thanks Bruh, all this high profile ‘drama’ is a bit too much. Unfortunately, the entertainment industry feeds off of the negativity to help sell tickets & CDs.
    The recent Chris Brown / Rihanna episode is definitely helping her record company make even more loot, and we get caught up in this sh*t.

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