How Radical Dems Are Conspiring Secretly to Reelect Trump in 2020

Something very bizarre has happened to what I was led to understand and believe in my heart was the Democratic Party. It’s apparently been commandeered by a group of demented degenerate AltLeft loons force-feeding a lethal dose of utter and inexplicably obvious delirium bilge. Industrial strength dreck. Think Chernobyl grade thought poison. Glow in the dark style. Dig? And no, I’m not necessarily talking about ANTIFA (though I will instanter). Chronic storm trooper jackbooted thug wannabes are easy to identify, discuss, target and analyze. Rather, I’m talking something far more dangerous and insidious — the run-of-the-mill FauxProg, the synthetic liber-old, the artificial progressive. The central casting man-bunned cloth-bagged face-tatted and studded Potemkin village lib. Along with his panguts elders, the balding tenterbellied bald louts who insist upon the government-issue ponytail, harkening back to the halcyon peace and love days of yore. These are the enemy. These are the targets of my wrath. They will pay. They will answer.


Lionel takes the stage October 5, 2019 CE, at the fabled Cutting Room in NYC for an evening of (out)spoken word, bluegrass and total immersion performance magic. Sui generis and nonpareil. Tickets are available here but please act soon, we’re expecting another sellout crowd.

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