HS Science Team Tells Trump 1 Epic Thing… ” They’re Never Gonna Put This On TV” VIDEO

HS Science Team Tells Trump 1 Epic Thing… ” They’re Never Gonna Put This On TV” [VIDEO]

President Trump was able to take a break from his incredibly busy schedule to meet with America’s future scientists.

President Trump invited a high school class to the Oval Office to celebrate their success in a national rocket competition. The students named the rocket after President Trump, causing him to warn, “It better work well!”
Students from Victory Christian Center School in Charlotte, North Carolina, were invited to Washington with “Trump the Rocket” built by the class for the Team America Rocketry Challenge.

President Trump was honored, but also curious. He asked the students why they named the rocket after him. “Simply because it conquers all,” explained the students.

Of course, the media failed to report on the wholesome exchange between President Trump and the diverse array of students he invited to the White House.

If the enormous were honest, they would report on this meeting between President Trump and his young supporters, who were inspired to name their pride and joy after the supposedly “racist” President.
If the media were fair, they would explain that the students of Victory Christian Center School were only offered this opportunity thanks to the school voucher program favored by President Trump.

President Trump appointed Betsy DeVos to lead the Department of Education because DeVos has proven her dedication to fixing our failing public school system. DeVos and President Trump both support vouchers for schools as an alternative to the low-income trap of public education.

School vouchers apply the free-market principle to public education. Instead of dumping money into failing schools, parents have the “choice” of which school their child should attend. The funding moves with the student to the school of their choosing.

Low-income students, in particular, suffer at the hands of the public education system– which acts as a form of de facto segregation. Most minority students live in low-income neighborhoods and are forced into low-income schools with worse results than the typical white schools found in more economically sound areas.

By opposing school vouchers, liberals reveal that they do not care about helping the less fortunate. They only care about government control. Liberals oppose vouchers because they take money away from public schools, and they ignore the huge benefits of school choice.

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