Illegal Alien Anchor Mamma Commits Unthinkable Crime Against Her Kids After Being Upset With Trump’s New Policy
Of course, the mainstream media will never tell you the truth behind these gruesome killings out of the state of Georgia.
Since the Barack Hussein Obama days are indeed over and illegal aliens can’t just come and go as they used to be able to do for the past 8 years an illegal alien mother of 4 showed here true colors by killed her whole family because she wasn’t able to attend her father’s funeral. Yes, these are the kinds of people who are coming here and living among us.
The Loganville, Georgia mother of five has been identified as Isabel Martinez. She has been charged with multiple counts of murder in the stabbing deaths of four of her five children and their father. Her husband Martin Romero, also an illegal alien, and the four siblings killed were 2-year-old Axel, 4-year-old Dillan, 7-year-old Dacota and 10-year-old Isabela Martinez. Nine-year-old Diana Romero was also stabbed and flown by helicopter to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, thankfully she is expected to survive.
Martinez was charged Thursday with five counts of murder with malice intent, five counts of murder and six counts of aggravated assault. She was being held at the Gwinnett County jail.
She has also been put on an immigration hold by ICE. I hope ICE ships her to her beloved Mexico in a body bag after her execution by electric chair. It’s too bad us taxpayers are stuck haveing to pay her court costs and defense attorney.
Redstate Reports:
There are two good pieces of news on border security. One is a policy shift and the second is the Border Patrol data.
First the policy change. One of the things John Kelly has going for him in immigration enforcement is that ICE is happy to arrest and deport illegals, but they have had their hand stayed for quite a while. While Obama actively encouraged illegals, no one can call George Bush a hardliner on enforcing immigration law. Most ICE management, the rank and file ICE agents and Border Patrol agents, and the relevant unions are in favor of what Kelly is doing. Many of the policy shifts have happened under the radar and are only now being revealed.
The head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement unit in charge of deportations has directed his officers to take action against all undocumented immigrants they may cross paths with, regardless of criminal histories. The guidance appears to go beyond the Trump administration’s publicly stated aims, and some advocates say may explain a marked increase in immigration arrests.
In a February memo, Matthew Albence, a career official who heads the Enforcement and Removal Operations division of ICE, informed his 5,700 deportation officers that, “effective immediately, ERO officers will take enforcement action against all removable aliens encountered in the course of their duties.”